I don't think we'll ever know, without reverse engineering the bloody thing! I'm willing to lend my unit to anyone who wants to do data logging and analyse it
The sparse documentation that comes with the unit didn't go into any kind of detail... It basically said that it takes adjusts the front torque according to cornering (read: lateral signal) g-forces during accelleration (read: longitudinal signal)...
So it works on exactly the same principle as the Ruzic (and every other ATESSA controller out there), but it has a fixed application curve. Actually, for all we know, this HKS Kansai unit may alter the shape of the curve depending on the gain setting!
Anyway, I guess since I already have it, and I've already installed it, I'll give it a go... If I don't like the way it brings on front torque, then I'll look to jump ship