Interesting development!
Carlo, I have decided to go for an ATS carbon twin-plate, so unfortunately your Exedy clutch will not get a run this time, but I think it would be great for all of us if we could address the issues raised by Risking and Dazmo... In addition to the above two comments, I also heard of instances of the clutch shearing the flywheel bolts (below pic)...
As you can imagine, cars on this website (and in this section specifically) make pretty high power and torque numbers, so it would be great if I could put Exedy back on our lists for the next clutch that we all will inevitably have to buy...
I was definitely drawn (and also at the same time.... apprehensive) about the flywheel design. It looks extremely light... Possibly TOO light? Are you able to give us some weight specs of the clutch (total), clutch discs and flywheel?