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Everything posted by DarkChild

  1. Some shots from Sepang recently...
  2. Got the white TE37's coated in Gunmetal now... White rims are a pain to keep clean.
  3. At the top of the page there is a "Start New Topic" option, no?
  4. More Pictures Here
  5. Had a bit of a color change recently...
  6. Got them back in 2007... (MGM Studio) Carbon Wing Mounts or something like that. They sit 5cm higher.
  7. Shots were taken for a magazine so I kinda have to wait till they're published for more... Hang on yea... Here's another teaser.
  8. Yea, the stormtrooper theme (black and white) is so overused these days. Seems like everyone has started doing it.
  9. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/980625_10153582644685287_5730706_o.jpg
  10. Had a shoot recently...
  11. 19 x 9.5J +12
  12. It's a Top Secret Carbon lip...
  13. No idea mate. Haven't a clue... When I find the time to ask all of these people, I'll get back to you....
  14. Lot's of R34's here but many are not even GTR's. Just made to look like it... R33's and R32's not as many. Plenty of R35's too lately.
  15. It's difficult to find a R32 here let alone a R32 GTR. He loves going sideways most of the time anyway. RB20 was swapped out for a RB26. Rear quarters were D-Max wide body kit. Each to their own I guess... You can check out the car before it went 'looney' here.
  16. Are you sure? Really? Are you sure? When the car was in Malaysia it was a gtst that had an RB26 transplant and GT-R look conversion. It even had gotten the wider fenders done here... This is what it looked like before the paint job. And after that it went all looney and shit...
  17. Cheers!
  18. I beg your pardon? Sorry but I don't quite follow you.
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