Good one for keeping calm, its just not worth it, people are getting killed for road rage these days.
I cant believe some people on the roads today.
One time When i had my 33 sedan i had just pulled out of work and i had to go slow miss bottoming out on a road work hump in the road so i went slower, anyway a guy in a 4wd behind went off at me abusing me because i went slow ( i didnt just pull out in front of him there was heaps of time) and then as i looked in my drivers mirror he throw something at the car which hit it and made a decent bang , i couldnt stop because traffic lights had were green so i continued up the road where it went two lanes and he came up beside me abusing me carrying on and i was pissed that this guy throu something and hit the car.Get down the road to roundabout and he thrown more shit at the car which missed, then he pulls over and gets out his car and goes lets go you f**kn c*nt.
i drove passed him got his rego number and details.When i got home there was a ding in my bootlid 20cent piece size, now i was pissed.
Went to cops the next day and reported it ,never heard anyrthing back... that was 10 months ago.
So much for police doing there job,they are there when you dont want them to be but when you need them they do jack shit.