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Everything posted by R334door

  1. TV is shit.too much crap especially the f**ked up big brother crap.I cant believe they still have it on .
  2. jump on nissan silvia .com and i saw one for sale tonight in the car parts section.
  3. Nah there not open sundays.Bets to ask want to want as they do have odd parts from front cuts that they put in containers thats how i got my Master cylinder that i need.
  4. try totally imports chris i know they had a R34 front cut and stripping it.Pm if you need there number .
  5. Got one thanks!
  6. Found one locally !! Close thread thanks!!
  7. this thread is ghey everyone just shit fights..
  8. know one else got one from a old front cut ???
  9. know one got a front cut or anything to have a master cylinder left??
  10. Hey as the topic says im after a one second hand must be in good nick.Pm me what you have Cheers.
  11. hey im after a brake master cylinder preferably second hanh,i need it for a brake conversion i have done.PM me please. thanx Chris
  12. Maybe advertising .......or to give away since no price!!!
  13. How much to send these to Brisbane if this guy isnt keen?
  14. so you after a factory unit/after makerket? with piping or what? I may no of one for sale, a stock 34 cooler
  15. Ah well by all means go ahead and look in " great detail" ive got nothing dodge , i still remember the condition of yours when i saw it,but lets not get into that now hey... my car is going to be changed again soon, and who said that i was laughing at Christain,i was smiling. Haha and more power than a NA,probably just..for now....You have know idea. Hey Daz how did you go with the avcr? got it all sust out now man?
  16. HAHAHA limited by the car you drive, thats a good one. This is coming from a person who has only has his licence a few years.Wait till your on a "real" race track ,not public roads,then we can judge if you can drive and also your mates aren't included if they think you can drive, actually people with experience are the best bet.Hell that gives me an idea.Lets get some of the boys,, inlcuding you and i Chris also not forgetting the gals here, lets head out to QR and do a few hot laps one day soon. So how bout it boys n gals?? This will sort out the men from the boys..... Another note, heard a humor from a few sources that the Brissy cops might be heading up this weekend.
  17. I wish i had the day off,got to work saturday aswell.
  18. Sunds like CD car.he can only handle power of NA cars.
  19. So you had one drink out of that carton hey dan? Your not a drinker at all. Car coupe is at martys this week should be on the road at the end of the week.
  20. Damn we all know ol golfy.
  21. get a girlfriend..
  22. Thats it, the same shit on the coast, thats why my plans to move have come up sooner plus different career.Not so much cruising goes on at all, the usual cops have weakend people to bring out nice rides.Plus going for 'spirited' drives elsewhere throughout the coast is more appealing.
  23. Sunnycoast rock,paper, scissors wars!!
  24. Hey chick how are you? you dont want any interior trims for your car do you? im getting rid of spare back doors,seals and trims,glass etc today that i have had left over from my car, i see you have a sedan so you can have them if you like but you better be quick by this arvo they will be gone.If you interested i'll keep em for you.Just Pm me
  25. Yes CTP IS compulsary, thats what th C stands for. you pay that at QLD transport.Its different tyep of insurance to third party fire and theft etc from just cars.
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