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Everything posted by 3R1K

  1. can you fit it on r34?
  2. can u repair scratches on mags?
  3. Wowww , I'm looking for that mags, I wish I got it when I bought the car, I got the 17'' mags Nismo Around 1000 for the whole mags and rims or ?
  4. wow 150 is good price , is it an old BOV or new one? I hate stalling btw i feels absolutely no good
  5. Huehueeh sorry guys if i got wrong information but I almost buy a R34 with a TV and SAT and I saw it running on japanese CDS but if you want your car look pretty nice just leave it don't tune them and save for better stuff e.g. exhaust ,etc ^_^ Cheerz
  6. Hey guys firstly don't comment about " hueheuheh" I do that since I use internet ok ? and thanx for the tips guys also Exhaust is pretty costly for me around $2k probs getting a plate number is better though. R32GTS4, what is a magic clay? if it has better result than cut & polish will you tell me where to buy it? I need to know zanda more, he's friendly heuheuheh ^_^ Thanx a lot everyone
  7. heuheehuh it might be stainless stell sorry gtsv spec, it's kinda long time ago since i asked for the price. Titanium!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow that will cost me alot heueeeeh how much? Damn i need to have a job to get money, wanna get my plates "FR34K" how do you reckon guys?
  8. huehueheh I think i have to learm alot , so it's better to get the inside cabin one rite?
  9. huehuehuehe nah i was kidding, I mean "not good quality" it's better to get full alumunium exhaust but it will cost me $1500 that hell lot, anyone reckon it can be cheaper? Thanx
  10. it's a BOV rite? how's the sound? does it make the car stall?
  11. Does it suit r34 ? is it the whole set? I don't really understand exhaust thingy.
  12. Hi, I"m new to turbo stuff, so what is it actually for? I though it's like a inside car boost controller
  13. Hueuehuh but don't buy cheap exhaust as it might melt
  14. Hi the dealer said that any GPS or TV from Japan won't work here, you can't tune it, so you have to buy a new one.
  15. Is it suitable for r34 gtt? can i see the pics?
  16. is it an intercooler or just cooler?
  17. can u send me pic of "r34 skyline center consol with 5speed boot and stereo face offers " to [email protected]? Thanx
  18. If anyone got cheap parts for my r34 (exterior and interior), please reply in this thread or mail me at [email protected] I'm in perth Thanx Erik
  19. Ic ic thanx shiro but how much does it cost? I reckon around 1500 bucks?
  20. Hi Inextremis, Hi all r u all going to be at auto salon on 29 or 30 ? I'll probably going there to see people spending thousand on a car.
  21. Wow guys thanx alot for ur reply, I'll try to ask some professional to try fix the paint, and about using newspaper thanx Sneeza but I tried using newspaper It still not clean enough and left a mark in my previous car, did i do something wrong? Gradenko, thanx for ur offer, I think it's not really a problem just a bit hard to get in gear 2 as long as i drive manual before the other just nice
  22. hehe ok then thanx adam
  23. Hheuheuhe cool thanx a lot dude, I'm going to ask a workshop tommorow though importer workshop, btw where can i find detailer? I don't have any idea, I know marlow but it will be exp there
  24. huehueuhe which is? you? huehueehu LMAO
  25. cut and polish is really something new for me so I just put the wax on cloth and just polish them through out the car?
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