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Everything posted by 3R1K

  1. Oh yeah btw Have anyone seen a Blue R34 before? I only see silver, black,white and yellow. If you have give me a pic of it Love Blue
  2. Ah you are right but I'm A NEWBIE so I don't know how to PM sorry about that but I don't know anything at the moment. Please but dont pick on me ok? you shouldn't pick on somebody who are new in this kind of thing
  3. Huhuehuehueh, It's not a turbo ,coupe and imported. Mmmmmm so u reckon it's around 5k omg, I think I should ask someone to insurance my car heheheh Godfather is it necessary to add turbo timer in turbo car if yes, What sort of turbo timer is good and have good value, and How do u put into your car Cheerz mate
  4. Apology guys If I do wrong since I can't do anything about it, and don't pick on newbie please that's so WRONG Peace out Cheerz Hey The War is today rite?
  5. HUhehueuhe sorry guys last night I put 1 or 2 replies , It seems nothing here. I just have some opinion or just advice and alot of chat too. And Godfather my sis got 28 grand car but she's paying only like 2.4 grand insurance, It might your insurance is abit overprice so I wouldn't go with ur one heheh. Insurance might get my headache for now on yeah just drive carefully and safe, No one will flow out of my bank except Fuel >.< Asking price isn't really a bother just give out some Shops that that's it for the rest. What is a gemini? Yeah actually I hate to ask about insurance but It concerns me most now since I can't drive my car without insuranace. That's my dad's policy no insurance no car
  6. Icic , I think I saw you in Uni last year, hueheuh I'm not trying to be rude , but I don't really like to say hi to unknown people / stranger, that's my habbit so I try , btw how do you put a sticker in a car? Through other person or by yourself? Cheerz
  7. HUhuehuehe Icic,sometimes I don't really understand western teasing and joking . I'm learning them now
  8. Argh Icic, yeah It's my first forum that i visit so yeah, Before I never interested in any forums , Yeah Just enjoy my car if I got trouble I just put my probs here
  9. Huehehueuh If i can clean my car with "toothpaste" maybe be I should clean my teeth with Braso as well Huehuheheuheuh Oh godfather you are from curtin, your guess was right, I'm studying there, How do I say hi to you if I don't know you please be more specify. Thanx guys for all your help
  10. Sorry guys, I'm a new for car stuff so I don't really know much about this, What club? I'm asking you for help that's why I put it in forum and I don't like if you rude to me since I'm new , If you don't like what i've been asking just stay out of it ok? I don't like rude person I thought I'm going to this forum to get good and nice reply
  11. Hi, I'm looking for a cheap BOV gauge and a good exhaust If I don't have big exhaust , Can i still put BOV and get the sound? Thanx
  12. How bout 3 years parts warranty not too bad rite?
  13. Yeah , I mean that was the guy told me , so I didn't import one. Maybe I can try it with different person but basically that person doesn't import car anymore due to rule changing
  14. Alrite thanx mate, Where can I buy braso?
  15. Ah Ic, how do u remove the cover by urself? Ok i'll buy braso
  16. C-Red and SST , where can i find those 2 shops? And I got a problem the head light cover (glass), I don't know how to describe it, It seems dirty and blurry , I'm thinking to get a new one but not the light just the cover. What is it called? Heherheheheh I don't know the name
  17. Rotomotion? I'm not sure, never heard of it. How bout around Curtin, Bentley? Wow are you sure the parts of Maxima similar? If that true so I wont' have any problem getting parts for it
  18. Icic, I got manual one here yeah last time i own Lancer and it costs me around 2k for the insurance when i was 18. All rite I think I need you guys to help me to get to know person that has interest in Skyline and help me with it Anyway do u need paint protection for black colour? I don't have it
  19. I bought it in Shacks Fremantle Or I just go there to or other? I'm fairly new with cars , so I don't have any mechanics or friends that has import cars, and most of them not really into cars
  20. hi there Chris I"m living in Perth, Winthrop down south
  21. Guys where can I service my car? and how regular is it? I"m not sure about Import Car actually no idea. If any of you can help me that would be nice Thanx
  22. All of you guys are talking about Joe Crisafio, Who is he? Where is his shop?, SHUTO-BOY unfortunately I don't like white.
  23. I know it's hard to import a car cause the ruling has been changed, the importer himself told me that otherwise I get a Blue one . -_-. So is it expensive my R34?
  24. Yeah, I know but I've search around Perth for R34 they cost like $39000 plus, there is one cost $47000 Mine is black with 28k km manual no mods at all, They really try to ripped me off, So i ask for cd stackers and best alarm system also 3 years warranty , w/o stamp duty -_-, Btw now I'm scared about insurance. Is it true it might cost u around 3k for 20 years old guy? Cheerz Mate Skyline live Forever ps: Mine with Nismo alloy, the design a bit dodgy.
  25. no longer can import R34 , too dangerous, the ruling has been change and the government is so strict to import cars lately
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