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    1994 R32 GTR
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  1. Have had some interest, but still for sale.
  2. As above, only replace it if you have the headlight switch switching a relay coil. I had a brand new switch fail in 1hr of use (1 headlight would turn off) with no relay in the circuit.
  3. Nobody wants to give their GTR a Christmas present?
  4. I am selling my new PWR radiator to suit the R32 GTR. It is a direct replacement that uses the factory fan shroud and viscous coupling fan. It is polished aluminum and comes with a Stant 16psi radiator cap to suit which does not come standard when you buy one of these radiators! I have decided to use a custom Hypertune radiator that works hand in hand with the Hypertune V2 inlet manifold so I no longer have a use for this one. Bought for $876+ delivery Selling for $750 delivered Pictures to come
  5. I have a set of -5 available now that have done between 10,000-15,000km and in perfect working order. Were removed to fit a big single. Can supply with or without aftermarket dump pipes. $1,000 without dumps, $1,200 with.
  6. I have for sale a brand new Nismo super coppermix twin plate competition spec model that I bought for my 1994 R32 GTR. It is a pull type clutch and possibly suits the R33 GTR too? I no longer need this as my setup now requires a clutch capable of 900hp+ Pictures to come, it has only been removed from the box to drool over! $2,000 with free delivery anywhere in Aus.
  7. I just went through this on another car. My problem turned out to be a bad ground wire AND a faulty pump! Sometimes the ground was there, sometimes it wasn't. Sometimes the pump ran, sometimes it didn't (internal fault in pump) Check the ground wiring and bang on the fuel tank, doing so might make the pump run, which if it does you know the pump is faulty.
  8. What setting are you using to adjust CPU voltage in the Bios? Normally adjusting the CPU core voltage manually to say 1.28V will mean a variable voltage with a maximum of 1.28V. I would suggest lowering the clock to 4600MHz and using the CPU core voltage adjustment to set voltage. My CPU is a dodgy clocker, It takes 1.3V for a stable 4600MHz clock Below are my overclock settings for what was stable for a month until I changed settings higher. EIST: OFF Turbo: OFF CPU Multiplier: 46 Base Clock: 100 Core Voltage: 1.3V I overclocked my memory too but no need to list that as yours will likely be different. My highest stable settings so far are as follows; EIST: OFF Turbo: OFF CPU Multiplier: 49 Base Clock: 100 Core voltage: 1.44V VCCIN Voltage: 2.2V CPU SA Voltage: 1.2V I just De-Lidded my 4790K and I immediately went back to square one with overclocking. It would not load at over 4600MHz so I'm in the process of overclocking to 4900MHz again!
  9. Use an Intel CPU, I would not use an AMD for gaming. ASRock motherboards are brilliant for the price, stick with them. 8gb RAM is a minimum, 12 or 16 would be better. 1600MHz used to be the recommended max for gaming but these days the price difference between DDR3 1600 and DDR3 2133 is minimal so I would go the 2133MHz. The monitor is not good enough for gaming. 1920x1080 minimum with a response time at least 5ms unless its a IPS then 10ms is acceptable. I gamed for 3 years using 1680x1050 and the move to a good quality 1920x1080 was a HUGE improvement! Now 2560x1440 is the norm and soon 3840x2160 4K will be the new ultimate! 4gb graphics memory is fine with 1920x1080, but some games are approaching 6gb at 1080p, ridiculous but true! I prefer Nvidia graphics, but understand that Radeon is often cheaper for the performance, albeit horrendously inefficient! 850W power supply is overkill for a single card. I'm planning on running Titan X or GTX 980Ti SLI overclocked on a 750w power supply and I'm confident it will run fine. I used to run SLI for years and reaped the benefits as it is the cheaper than single card performance, although many on here disagree, simply they are wrong! As you are after medium gaming performance a single card is your best option. Go over budget to get an SSD, once you have had one you will never turn back. I'm on my 3rd (120gb, 256gb, 512gb) and keep upgrading as I run out of space. the 512gb has been good. 150gb free with 20 games installed. For a gaming rig its not necessary to have a permanent disk drive, I use a cheap Samsung portable drive to free up space in the case. Personal preference though. I have a GTX 780Ti that I will be selling when I know more about the 980Ti. If your interested let me know, it is a better card than the R9 290.
  10. I did 4.1 sec in my 200kw WRX street tyres, street surface. A 340kW Skyline doing 3.2 is impressive. Would never happen on the street I don't think. My skyline has 330kW and its not 1 second quicker to 100 than my old WRX. Short gearing in the WRX helps with a 7500rpm+ second gear needed to hit 100kph.
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