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Everything posted by axelmasok

  1. Hi team, Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong section. I can't access the website/forums from my usual PC/IP-Address/IP-Range (home). I get "[#2000] You are not allowed to visit this forum." I can connect and login from another PC at work no worries. Nothing to do with my account or my previous record on here - I don't visit often and haven't done anything wrong as far as I know. Very strange. Can I get a PM or email from someone running the site to explain or fix this? Cheers
  2. Yep that's right, if I leave it fixed in any mode (usually face + feet) it's fine. It's only if you leave the CCtrl off then it cycles through on startup. If it's just contact points then it may be an easy fix as long as I can get to them easily. I want to sell this car someday so it has to all be 100% working. It's the only thing on my car not working properly.
  3. Hey Guys, When my climate control changes from face to feet (between some modes) I hear clicking and clunking noises. I figure the servo gears are jumping because some flap/duct has come loose. Maybe even some foam/rumbber seal jamming in there. Does anyone know if this unit can be pulled apart for me to look at and repair or is it a sealed unit that has to be replaced. I figure the whole dash has to be pulled apart? Any ideas or comments welcome. Cheers
  4. Yikes, excellent. Have to be there then
  5. Any ideas on how many are showing up to Wakefield on Wed? I wasn't going to come down (since I was there last week) but probably will for a looksee and maybe a drive depending.
  6. Haha nice. It's quite a skill to drive fast in the wet. It's a great lesson for all in car control/balance/power delivery etc. I think everyone should have a go. Some of the great(est) drivers were experts in the wet - a wet track is a great equaliser. I think your front wheels pulling you out of the corners is a destinct advantage though!
  7. Ah cool, I thought I'd catch some others here. Not sure who leech_ is though. That advice is spot on. I used to work at Fastlane Go-Karts years ago so I have picked up alot of experience from there. I used to pretty much only go out in the wet. Just as it starts to spit rain - nice and greasy. Wonder what Wakefield is like in the wet. More like I wonder what my tyres will be like in the wet! I must say I didn't touch dirt or spin all day which is good. I think it's nearly impossible to hit anything solid on that track (except for the back of someone else). It's quite a drive to come down from Sydney again. If I do show up I won't be able to only watch. Too hard to watch....
  8. Thanks - nice one. I see your point. I must say the side effects are that I can't get that track outta my head and I am unsure now if I want to sell or not damn it. I am aware of the downward spiral of expenditure but I figure that, depending on alot of factors, the more I spend on the car the more I will have to spend on the car. So my idea is not to spend serious money and try and enjoy it for what it is. I have no interest in "bling" either - as many would have noticed by how dirty and stock my car is. I still have the standard jap radio too! I enjoy driving that's all - don't care what it is either. If I do roll onto the track again I would probably like to invest at most in a front mount to keep those intake temps down and finally open up the exhaust a bit too. Then I'll try and hold some restraint.
  9. Nope. Not enough power I'd say. No significant power mods on my car so standard kw it is. From my brief glimpse at the speedo - 160 - 165km/hr therabouts. This 180 limiter you speak of doesn't seem to apply here. On the stock 16" rims I had the needle well past 180 to approx 200/210 before I ran outta road. I am on 17" rims now so I am not sure what the true speed would be yesterday.... I can't believe these 12 year old vintage brakes can take that beating without any apparent fade. Amazing stuff.
  10. Oil catch is a good idea. You may want to find more about why it was happening. It may be the symptom of another problem - hopefully not. The only trouble I had that was related was my mechanic that did my timing belt over-filled when he did the oil change at the same time. Oil ended up in the intercooler and everywhere. Yep that was an angry Evo that one. Can't miss it in the mirrors either .
  11. Haha gday. Yep no chance there. That guy has lapped that place 1000 times I bet. It's got serious horsepower too. Hey make sure you get rid of those blow-off valves off that poor GTR. Shame you couldn't do some laps around with us in that little rocket.
  12. Hi everyone, went to wakefield park yesterday for my first time on a circuit in my R33 GTS-t (Chinese Burgandy hehe). Had a ball. Probably about other street 8 cars there which was great. Best value racing I have ever had. Forget go-karts. Forget passenger rides and gift vouchers. Most importantly you don't need a fastest pimped up car to have fun. There was an Astra and even an old Celica out there. I paid for some driver training (only person there that did) to show me correct lines/brakepoints for this track and I'll tell you that there was no-one that could shake me for 3/4 of that track (even that silver EVO thankyou) - good value and well worth the money. Lost about 1/2 my tyres tho (Nankangs NS2 - cheap anyway) My Skyline was the only standard turbo vehicle out there (apart from 17" Nismo wheels) and I would say I had the most fun out of them all. I think everyone should have a go. Especially if your thinking of spending bega bucks on your car. Get down there with your stocker and get some value out of your car instead of throwing your money away on go-fast/look good bits. Highly recommended. I don't even know what times I did ... next time maybe.
  13. Coincidental topic, good timing. Just left Auto1 and remembered brake fluid while driving away with $200 worth of diff/gbox/engine oils... I'll grab some of the Castrol super dot 4, but whats this about fluid flush? I was hoping that the new fluid is different colour so pushing out the old will be pretty obvious? Was there a guide on actual bleeding here somewhere...which caliper which order...
  14. OK, I said I would find out. EPA fines are anywhere in between $150 and $500 per offence which is a long way from $10,000. If the RTA/Police can fine you for nocat then that is different. My cat just lost it's guts today due to a large screwdriver and hammer but I can't really tell the diff too much. Complete exhaust replacement will hopefully help later. I think that concludes this thread for me.
  15. We considering a cat should be replaced every 40,000Km (don't quote me) do a quick calc on how many cars are running with cats that don't work? Let just say a few. How about bikes? Not too many cats on them nowdays, I can tell you mine doesn't have one nor does it require one. Not to mention leaded cars running PULP and fuel additives...hmmm can you smell the roses? I don't feel bad about it, I drive the car twice a week. I will get a high flow cat anyway guys, no need to talk me into it. I'll try find a good value split dump pipe, high flow cat and a reasonable sized muffler (no cannons please) with some 3" to join the dots. Local exhaust place quoted me $1000 for his half baked system - no thanks. Any recommended exhaust place who will listen to what I want and not rip me? Someone said Liverpool Exhaust (NSW)... hard to tell if you guys recommend people/shops or put in a good word for your cousin's business... News on the $10,000 question on the way.
  16. Agreed. I think you might be the best case scenario, differnt states differ of course but still good news. I will speak to my EPA friend in NSW and give you guys "from the horses mouth" facts on what usually happens in this regard. As for my cat, I'll take to it with a hammer and pipe in the meantime until I replace the whole exhaust system. I will get a high flow cat no doubt, I beleive they work well. Not sure on dump/cat/muff combo yet, have to surf around and get some advice of you guys. Mild steel likely, I don't think I'll have it long enough to warrant SSteel.
  17. Finally after a day searching here I found what I was looking for. The guttered cat question. I have the factory exhaust on my GTSt and it has enough Kms on it to safely say the cat doesn't do anything usefull anymore. It's high time I replaced the lot with something more 3" ish. I am travelling OS soon so won't be shelling out money yet. Was keen on bashing out the guts of the cat in the meantime for some more hp and better milage. Not too concerned about RTA/EPA/COPS (Although the TRA did pay a "routine" visit a little while ago..), my car doesn't draw attention like some others. $10k is worst case senario and they really have it in for you. I know someone at the EPA and they like targeting repeat offenders more. My question is: are they easy to bash the guts out of? Much steel and other bits that will make this operation a problem?
  18. 100% double and triple checked. The model number I have seems to be valid. The VIN as you see is not. I read somewhere about how the plate is attached to the firewall and to pick ones that have been tampered with....mine has two small plastic "rivets" that attach it to the firewall, the plate is thin and can get my fingernail behind it. Is this blue blate original?
  19. Slightly freaked out here. Have installed all the CDs libraries from the howto. Punched in my VIN Code and "model series can not be found for this vin no input model or model series" is the result. Tried someone elses ecr33 and got a result. Mine doesn't work. Typed in the model number: ggkbrtfr33vdac---- and I got part of a result. It then accepted the vin number and gave me some details engine/mt etc. Did this happen to anyone else? Is this bad? ecr33025105
  20. From the solenoid there is probably 10cm of wire to a joining plug. Just disconnect the plug. The two wires run to the computer or at least 1 does anyway. There's no magic here, only 2 wires, the computer doesn't care and most likely won't know the difference. Just tuck the left oer plug somewhere out of sight.
  21. In summary, the solenoid has two air tubes plugged into it and a connector with two wires - black and white. White is +12vdc and black is ground or earth. At around 4500rpm the computer completes the ground circuit so then the solenoid activates. The solenoid has 1 or 2 bolts and a small bracket I think, easy to take off. To test it yourself pull it off, blow into one of the holes in it - no air passes. Give it 12vdc from a battery and "click" it lets air through. Very easy concept. Hose blocked = ~5PSI. Hose unblocked = ~7PSI.
  22. I say ditch it even if you don't have a boost controller. My GTST is standard and I removed the solenoid and joined the pipes. Went for a quick sprint up Mnt Buffalo for a test (14min to the top junction from pay booth) and found my hidden bottom to mid end power that has been robbed from me for years. I drove 7 hrs back to Sydney and have seen no side effects at all. Again, if anyone has any theory why my mod is a bad idea V's grounding out the black wire let me know.
  23. Hmmm, this solenoid is normally blocked and at 4500rpm unblocks the hose. I took the whole solenoid off and threw it in a box, joined the two hoses together and it all works fine. I don't see any problems in what I did and made crazy wire cutting a waste of time. Can anyone tell me why this might be a bad idea?
  24. I agree with 4drgtr. Unfortunately with the new laws passed this month the police don't need a reason to search your car anymore (thanks to the cronulla issue). Everyone be aware of this. Don't carry stuff in your car that they won't like to see. BTW, I have asked a friend of mine here in NSW who has a couple of police officer brothers. He claims the detector detectors were leased a few years ago and the police had dropped them because of the costs involved and due to the small % of offenders. I still beleive this is rthe case. If any reader here has been stopped specifically for having a radar detector speak up now and proove this wrong. I don't mean getting pulled over for something else and the police seeing the thing on your dash either. SPECIFICALLY to stop you after detecting the unit. Impounding of the vehicle and detecting the unit when it's off is BS. Give me a break. Pulling 10 cars over to find the detector? What the?! Only with 10 police cars - get a grip man! Also, don't you guys think that jamming a radar will not raise suspicion? I have one but use it only out in the country on usually on dual carridgways (easy to toss it out the window just in case). My main purpose is to remind me to slow down and check my speed when it beeps sometimes. Usually passing trucks tend to make it beep.
  25. No sir, I don't like it. I have shelled out money on our Mazda here for new valves and seats because of Ethanol. WOn't touch my Skyline. Not for an extra 2 RON and not for the imaginary 20kw (I don't believe it). No sireeee.
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