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Everything posted by Kyles

  1. Um yes boaring monday night, Consisting of dishes, and cleaning and sleeping MM SLEEP! Early night i think tonight, I have to get up at 5.30 I hate early shift at work
  2. Hi richie
  3. Oh yeah allright. Really tiard at the moment with work being extremily full on and uni too. Thats why i havent been on here much. Im house cleaning right now I just dont stop at the moment. I cant wait untill november... Uni all finished.. and i can relax
  4. hello How is ya?
  5. or anyone?? No ones ever here when i am
  6. Sounds fantastic.. Ill keep my fingers crossed that i dont have uni. I havent been before, do the paint balls hit hard??
  7. hey everyone
  8. well i gotta go get to bed and get a good night sleep. byes everyone
  9. yep i am sick too. I think I have a chest infection (not so good when im also asthmatic) but i dont have time to get to the docs. I cant wait untill my studdies are finished in november.. but ill have no life untill then!
  10. well I just wanted to pop in and say hello. Talk to you all next time when i have a spare few seconds!! AHH this is crazy! Byes everyone.
  11. just about to fall asleep .. soooooooo tiard.. ive been sooooooooo busy. I have accreditiation tomorrow, and uni has been full on.. if im not at work im doing assignments..
  13. I made some on satruday afternoon but i told him about them over the phone before he got here after work.. just incase he didnt go to eat them, they dont look too nice right now anyways... they will look better after a coat of paint and a few extras
  14. Troy is going to try to teach me how to drive. Problem is though, I can drive.. just have bad habbits hehe
  15. If you bite into these cookies you will break your teath. They are for a game in my portfolio for uni
  16. Troys car cant be as bad as trying to drive mums death trap.
  17. brb gotta turn the cookies over
  18. Quick in the evenings?? WHAT THE? well when ever i come on at night.. no ones on and nothing is happening in whoretown
  19. Yep troys car. No one else wants to give me driving lessons! IM NOT THAT BAD
  20. hello micko Oh and more news.. Stay off the roads boys.. Im going to go for my learners in a few weeks!!!!!!
  21. Hes been soo good with the gym. I think hes lost weight. He tummys getting smaller and smaller.. Ive lost lots of weight. 8kg infact. But most of that was from when i was really sick a few weeks ago.
  22. hey niz Oh guess what everyone. I got a distinction im my uni assignment. I got it back yesterday. And if i didnt leave it untill the last minute.. and spent another 20 min on the last section.. i may have got a high distinction.. doh!!!!!!!! Oh well i wont do that with my next assignment.
  23. hello paulie. I havent been on here in a while, been very busy with assignments and we have accreditation coming up at work in 2 weeks. Im off sick today with the flu.
  24. hello everyone
  25. Everyone watching grease are they?? When ever i come on latley no ones on.. grrrr
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