Weirdo weiro.. hes quiet.. hang on no hes being strage... hes moving sideways left and right really quickly bobbing his head up and down. I think he wants attention or to come out of the cage.. bugga.. Hes too agressive atm so hes staying in the cage.
I just fell over and brused my other arse cheek. I fell down the stepps on the weekend and still suffering from that!!!
I wouldnt mind working in a night club. that would be pretty cool.
ohh billy conally is on wednesday.
Doh i aready watched that one. the world tour of australia.
OH OH OH guess what?
anyone want a wonderful furn patterened couch .. suitable for a dog bed lol, $20??
Thanks russ, i was just on there.
Waitressing can suck at times but i do it well and will have no probs getting a job doing it.
I really hate where i am now, Ill find somthing to do untill i start uni next year.
its just not nice going to work atm, I got a written warning today for some things i didnt even do. And I have to take some time off coming up beacuse of medical stuff and she was really unreasoable and really not understanding or supportive at all... And everyone else seems to have no problems getting time off for medical appiotments or things like that atm .. but im made to feel bad about it when i ask. Not my fault.
Im looking on there right now. I need to contact the education department and get a list of jobs from them and get my arse in the schools. Or waitressing, anything but where im working at the moment.