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Everything posted by Kyles

  1. Ok, cross your fingers everyone stay off the roads driving test in 1/2 an hour... This time i will do my best not to put my foot down!!!!
  2. my sister loves them.... does ur brother have tickets and isnt going? How much and how many?
  3. oh its still avalible?? If i can atleast get it to my house, then its not that far to get it to the mechanics. Im going to go see the car today, and see if it runs. If it does move, and i think i will beable to get it to my place, Ill just get a permit to move it. Ill let you know tonight.
  4. Yeah thanks chris, i looked into that. Cos somthing like $15 to get a permit to do that... but i have no idear if the car would get me there. I dont know the condition my brother left it in. All i know is that it turns on, and thats about it. I sopose that is a good start. Adam. I wish i had checked this earlier!!!!!!! Its prob a bit to late now to sort it all out. Do you know if ur friend is going to have it again anytime soon? Im not in a hudge rush.
  5. Its from the swan vally to joondalup. Thing is though, ill have to get him to drop it off at the mechanics, then bring the car back to my place. The mechanic is going to look over the car for me and check out what needs fixing and tell me how much. Depending on how much that is, ill need to bring it home if i cant afford the repairs straight away. So the trailor is a good option, cos then i can bring the car back home too. but thanks for the advice
  6. kewl thanks psiko
  7. where was that at? I got a quote from a place in joondlaup today for $50 for 4 hours
  8. my brain was fried, i just sat a 3 hour exam when i put that in there!!!!!!
  9. Hey, Does anyone on here have a car trailor?? I need to transport my car from the back of a friends house to my house, but cant afford to get it toed seeming its from middleton (swan valley) to kinross. If anyone can help out, i would really really appreciate it, and in return ... I have 5 weeks off uni starting from next week so im pretty flexable with time. If you can help out, can u please reply to this thread.... or if u know some one on here with a car trailor, who? so i can contact them and beg!
  10. can i imajain explaining that to ur superior... um...err.. ahh... opsydaisy!
  11. Hum,, that says somthing about our security officers.....
  12. thanks ill keep that in mind
  13. ill just used my "hand held" male... hahaha Yeah ill keep driving up untill my next test My parking is fine, I had to park out side of centerlink today, it was a very very tight Paraelle park, and i did it fine My instructor gives me an hour lesson before i start my test. Going for my test again on the 12th of july.
  14. gtr, a month my instuctor said. Maby i should go down to the drags, get all the speed out of my system, and then the next day, ill drive like a granny...
  15. I have been diagnosed with leadfooditus. My instuctor said i was a fantastic driver, but because of that, too confident, and was 9km over the limit... NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I was concentrating on everything else, I wasnt paying much attention to the speedo, so he failed me ... but... Hes coming to my reastaurant where i work on sunday for breakfast i found out, rotten eggs for him i think ...
  16. Thanks everyone, well i had a driving lesson with troy thisarfternoon and neally crashed the car.. (NOT MY FAULT) but enough to rattle the nurves. Wonaroo road at 4.45 in the afternoon of all places, turning into shell, the stupid car stalls, and the wheel locks, and i was going pretty fast... anyways, neally went into the island curb. Slamed on the breaks, neally had a 4wd up my tush... Prob was i had to reverse to get out and correct the car... with traffic behind me, that wouldnt give me a break... ahhh... got out eventually thankgoodness. And the stalling the car wasnt my fault, the computer is playing up... not the best thing to have happen considering my test is in the morning
  17. so low cut top and mini is the way to go on friday huh?
  18. taking pop for a sunday drive huh? I think that would stress me out more knowing my pop would suprise me with somthing, this is a man who nailed my mums shoes to the floor to stop her going out when she was younger, haha... Update on the car situation.... I spoke to transperth and they said that my brother can just send me a letter.. and hes agreed to do that so all i gotta do is get the bloody thing road worthy... DOH!!
  19. ohh cheeky bugger hes trying to get me to do it .... Sorry gotta put down my foot here, hes playing games....
  20. ill pass on the message dan
  21. Im doing it at Joondalup, Ive got stop signs under controll though. There are alot around joondalup. Its mid morning too so hopefully not much traffic Hope i get it first time or ill kick myself !!
  22. Wish i could have come down, darn work, the pics on troys digital looked fantastic, its going to be great for the club, well done guys
  23. Going for my test next friday!! WHOOHOO, anyone got any pointers? I have to work on my lead foot though, im speeding a bit too much... My driving instructor thinks ill pass as long as i remember a few things such as checking my mirrors and keeping to speed limits, not reving the car etc... I can only try I have a car linned up... only prob is it isnt mine yet My mum convinced my brother to give me his car, but he didnt sign the forms before he went to london for 2 years last week... I only have email to contact with him and dont know how i am going to get the forms to him with out him having an address for longer than a few days ... Or if where he is staying will pass them on... Anyone going to the uk in the next few weeks????????? Ill give the transport licencing place a call. Wouldnt be such a problem if the car was licenced, id just drive it around and wait untill i could get him to sign the form, but i have to take it over the pits and hes gotta sign the licencing papers, so that plan went out the window. anyways, all of you keep your fingers crossed for me next friday morning Ill let you know what happends. -kylie oh micko, mastayoda (troys skyline) looks nice with 'L' plates huh??? LOL... they would look even nice on a r32 gtr
  24. well well well... im such a good driver.. have not had one accident yet!! BUT.. ive been in alot (I WASNT DRIVING!!) When i used to live in childlow my mum was with a guy who was a comentatior for horse show jumping events. Anyways... i went with him one day down to the state equestrian center. On the way there A massive tree fell right in frount of the car, Andy (mums b/f) swerved and only just missed it. We got to campersic road in the swan valley and a car pulls out of a side street and hits the side of us. The car was hit of the road and stoped 1 cm from a electricity pole. Anyways.. a bit shaken the car is still moving, so we contintue to drive to the equestrian center.. going up the drive way at the E.center another bloody tree fell on the bonnet of the car. That was the last straw. I got out and walked!! That day was really freaky. 3 accidents in 1 hour of driving. Maby we where just ment to stay home that day.
  25. Being a "soon to be teacher" report them.. and zanda... if it was u i would still report u.. its distryoing property.. Just think of how disapointed thoes kids will be when they get back from their school hols to see their oval ripped up...?? No doubt they wont be aloud on the parts that have to be regrown.. therefore not bealbe to play sport... That just cos some twat in a crummydore wanted a bit of a thrill
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