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Dori Senpai

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Everything posted by Dori Senpai

  1. Actually it's white, not silver. http://www.zoommagazine.com.au/aussie_skyline_gt-r.php Only one that will be delivered untill 2009 and there is only one in this country.
  2. That sounds so tough man, What kind of tyres do you use? They make a sh*t load of smoke man
  3. Could have got some better rims than that for nearly a million buckeroos
  4. It makes you think what he is driving around in..If he can talk shit bout all those cars he must be driving around in a supercar or something like a Calsonic R391..bahaha what a tool!!
  5. Thats a big relief, im happy for you mate cheers Dori Senpai
  6. My mate has a VL and it has no balls whatsoever, we got beaten by an AE86, R31 all the way!
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