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    Perth WA

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    R32 GTR DESAM8
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  1. Hi Guys, I have a mint head from a R32 GTR, comes complete with covers and inlet that has been soda blasted for a clean look. It can come with standard black rocker covers for $1000 or come with freshly painted candy apple red covers for $1300 Head came off an engine that I got from JPC when it was open, I don't need it anymore so its up for sale. Clinton Oh448Three522fourzero
  2. Hi guys looking for a R32 GTR bonnet in reasonable condition Anyone know of any out there?? Clinton
  3. Hey Nick how is this weapon going??
  4. Any updates Nic??
  5. Have had some interest, am negotiable on price and will freight if needed
  6. Was going to use this but ended up going a different direction http://www.nengun.com/greddy/intake-plenum-nissan-skyline This is what they are in japan plus freight Will send interstate at buyers expense $500 Clinton
  7. I have these brakes for sale, come with Endless pads and J Hook discs, was going to use them but have decided to go a different route Will send interstate at buyers expense, total package weight is about 85kg and will be about 120 bucks via TNT roughly Chasing $4500 negotiable which is cheap for a set of brakes with aftermarket discs and Endless pads, obviously have done some track work but no leaks present, also you can buy out of the states a "dog bone kit" to suit R32/33/34 GTR/GTST skylines (and other nissans that run the 4 spot caliper mount) also has all the brake lines and bolts needed PM for any questions
  8. I do believe one of your fabircators has done some more work???? Interesting to see that the WG pipes were done over a year ago, seems like yesterday
  9. Sorry to all, due to SAU changing where we can put our forsale ads, I wont be posting ANY items to any easternt states, they will be sold to WA residents only Sorry for the inconvience Clinton
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