Hey guys,
when I installed the SAFC II I had to turn the idle to +25% or else the car wants to stall.
The settings are followed from the manual. HW 4 in 4 out and 1 to 1
I have a UEGO wideband and it reads like 14.7 most of the time unless I WOT then it reads around 13.5 or so.
Im not too sure what could be wrong.
Mods are
HKS filter pod, R33 RB25 turbo, stock smic, 3 in exhaust no cat , safc and uego wideband
The wiring is correctly done and everything is soldered so its not possible to have a connection problem as this was checked 10 + times
Oh this is on a R32 GTS M
Thanks for any advice you could give