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Everything posted by Tomek

  1. wow... strong suprise. Wish that was the case for me!
  2. 32 holds the un-official lap record at 1.53 or there abouts. Not sure how true this statement is, seeing it's a good 10+ seconds quicker then the current V8's best.
  3. Somewhere between 5-8k. Still got some more expensive plans
  4. took it down to Xtreme motorsports on ingham rd. Got the leak fixed getting the rest of the work done this coming week.. Hoping for some good results. No pics of my car, only have pics on my phone and not sure how to get them on since im at a net cafe.
  5. Im sitting here in the internet cafe, burning time watching videos, reading through forums and waiting eagerly to pick up my car from the workshop up here in townsville. Truth is my car (32 GTR) only made 114kw @ the wheels when it was dyno'd some time ago. With work related issues not allowing me to attend this problem sooner, i was left to wait until free time arouse. A boost leak was the cause, which is being worked on at this present moment. Picking her up at approximately 5pm today, can not wait!! Later on next week the power fc i ordered will be going in also. Only mods to my gunmetal grey 32 is a bigger cooler and exhaust.
  6. nah not grumpy dude.. hehe.. more cluey then grumpy
  7. Hows it going? Really bored atm and im in sydney for one day before leaving back to melbourne, and want to make the most of it, have plans later but was hoping someone else is really bored atm and is down for a meet up and a small cruise. I don't want this to go the wrong way knowing how some people on forums usually feel when random threads like this come up, but surely someone is up for a quick cruise. Im located in the strathfield/ bankstown area and drive a 32 gtr if anyone is keen hit me up in here or on 0431 520 274. My apologies if this is the wrong section to post this...
  8. Bit of an update... 2 weeks ago i threw down a deposit on a fresh 32 GTR which is still waiting for its compliance plate from canberra, the wait is killing me!! I came up from Albury to pick it up and at this point not sure if i will drive back down with it, deadline being Tuesday arvo. Now onto the details.. It's a 93 GTR in gun metal grey... 70,000kms, factory upgraded 320km/h dials, tein suspension, cat-back exhaust and a few bits and pieces on the exterior and interior the body and interior is in immaculate condition. Im paying 22,500 from a dealer which comes with a 3 year upgraded warranty which covers everything. Pretty happy with myself.. i really do hope it is ready by tuesday
  9. Bump for a georgous looking GTR. Im looking to purchase a GTR in the next couple of months hopefully, this would of been perfect. Will certainly call if it's still for sale then.
  10. yeah, definately some good ones on sale here, have read through the last 7 or so pages of the forsale section and have noticed there reasonably priced
  11. I do realise that these cars are cheap to buy but costly to maintain. I wasn't dreaming of buying one anytime soon, however now that i have calculated my finances and have realised that i can afford to have one so early i may aswell jump on it... Your only young for how long and you need to realise that your life can end whenever, i can be sent overseas in the next 6 months and anything can happen which is my reasoning i guess and the fact i've wanted one for so long.. Call me stupid but i don't want a stocker, as the money shed into it to getting it where i want it to be can be saved by buying an already built one.. Realistically.. if i were to save longer and budget my finances to say 35-40k on the car would it be possible to import a late model 32 v-spec with some nice work done to it, brides, 4 point harness, oil coolers etc the works so that it would be ready for track duty? What would be my best market to look in? Im thinking j-spec or some local sydney tuning companies?
  12. PM sent
  13. Been a lurker for quite some time and then disappeared to bike forums for a bit. Was quite decided on getting a sports bike, however a GTR (32) was always my dream attainable car, for the next 6 months or so im saving my ass off, im in the defence force and the fact that i will be living on base etc etc.. money will be able to be saved quite rapidly. Before i make my mind up i thought i would throw in some more info and some questions.. I will be on a 45k salary in a couple of months, i dont drink, i smoke socially (will throw the habit) and generally not too much of a big spender.. Am 19 and want to enjoy myself, anytime i can be posted overseas, i want to make the most of it. I've never been in a moving gtr, let alone driven one but ever since i've been 9 or so i backed up the line in school car arguments .. I know a fair bit about them but have experienced little of them Don't know how they feel under boost Im hoping to budget atleast 30k on car, any things which need to be fixed and insurance. But before i take the plunge i was hoping that someone from sydney would be willing to take me for a drive in there GTR, of course me covering fuel and any expenses? Would be greatly apreciated. Are they a money pit on maintanance, insurance and general costs etc.. wow.. it's 6.30am research
  14. there's one for sale in the forsale section mate... im sure you could get some more info from the owner.
  15. Just trying to get together some info on how much certain skylines would cost me to run weekly.. If the information is personal by all means don't post... love to see some posts though Car; mods; general mods kms; insurance; rego; fuel; cost and kms covered weekly, driving styles any other liabilities to name; weekly expenditure;
  16. yep.... dead give away
  17. looks awesome.. Definately one of the best looking R33 gtst's out there.. How much was the kit and wheels if you don't mind me asking.
  18. haha.. that was gold.. pretty sure it was Nissan (forget model) in white.. classic.. from 17s to 14s qtr mile times.. :lol:
  19. Exactly... however what are the chances of the cops checking out your motor, if you "behave" on the roads and have a simple looking car with no massive cannon on it, shopping lists, 20's and race describing numberplates i think you have a good chance... Anyone know of exact penalties?
  20. on a more important topic... was the car found?
  21. haha.. nice.. was just about to post on behalf of my friend
  22. you should eat him over the standing qtr mile... take out the spare and run it on empty.
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