Been a lurker for quite some time and then disappeared to bike forums for a bit.
Was quite decided on getting a sports bike, however a GTR (32) was always my dream attainable car, for the next 6 months or so im saving my ass off, im in the defence force and the fact that i will be living on base etc etc.. money will be able to be saved quite rapidly. Before i make my mind up i thought i would throw in some more info and some questions.. I will be on a 45k salary in a couple of months, i dont drink, i smoke socially (will throw the habit) and generally not too much of a big spender.. Am 19 and want to enjoy myself, anytime i can be posted overseas, i want to make the most of it.
I've never been in a moving gtr, let alone driven one but ever since i've been 9 or so i backed up the line in school car arguments .. I know a fair bit about them but have experienced little of them Don't know how they feel under boost Im hoping to budget atleast 30k on car, any things which need to be fixed and insurance. But before i take the plunge i was hoping that someone from sydney would be willing to take me for a drive in there GTR, of course me covering fuel and any expenses? Would be greatly apreciated.
Are they a money pit on maintanance, insurance and general costs etc..
wow.. it's 6.30am research