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Everything posted by Xizor

  1. What a pack of whingers! Dont you have anything better to do than bitch about threads that dont concern you? I find the ctown thread very usefull so i can talk to other local members. Not everyone uses msn, not everyone can use other things during working hours. The whorethread is ridiculous and impossible to keep up with unless you have no life but so what thats there for people to enjoy and do what they want. You go into it, expect whats there. We have a few area based threads which are constructive and allow local members to easily coordinate with each other and we are ridiculed for doing so. How antisocial is that! Contemplating this sort of censorship is a complete contradiction of what SAU is in my opinion.
  2. Well, its the thought that counts.
  3. Thanks. I have just found out they are a brushed silver finish. I dont really think thats the type of surface i want on my rims, but still want to see.
  4. Hi Guys, Wanna see what these rims would look like on my car. Cheers
  5. Ok i am very interested in getting the Black face Apexi EL mechanical. Anyone know somewhere decent priced that sells it? Nengun are out of stock. Also, is there any significant downside to mechanical instead of electronic for the gauge?
  6. I would love to get some good EL dials! S2 R33 Skyline! COme on!!!
  7. hahaha Alien on George St, who would of thought!!
  8. Great MORE bad attention from coppers to come our way. f**k i hate these wankers in skylines.
  9. Are there any nice looking black ones that are EL? If not i might just have to go the Apexi EL mechanical...
  10. How about a EL group buy??
  11. Xizor


    Very sorry to hear.
  12. Hi guys, I want to buy a boost guage. I really like the ones that illuminate EL, but i am open to anything that is of good quality and looks awesome. Im finding it hard to find decent stuff locally... maybe i need to buy from overseas? Im just after a single gauge for boost and will most likely mount on the dash infront of steering wheel, it behind the steering wheel so i see it thru thr hole you know? Dont want trouble off the coppers! Cheers Rob
  13. Hi SydneyKid, I have still not had my bilstein shocks fitted that i got from you about 4-5 weeks ago. But it will be done very soon. Can you advise me on recommend settings? I will be using the stock car springs, 18" wheels with 40 profile tyres (these will be new, i still got stock rims and tyres atm). If you could recommend me settings for front and back that i can take with me for setup that would be awesome!
  14. hahahahah combi's!! All the below last night... Saw a hot blue R33 in ctown last night just before 6pm. Saw a black R34 on hume highway heading towards casula from liverpool about 6pm. Saw yellow R34 that corinne mentioned above at orange groave rd KK carpark. Saw black S1 R33 at KK carpark, RBFIRE from the forum, cos i had to meet him to sell something. And lastly saw Corinne's R33 parked next to mine at same KK carpark last night. w00t
  15. Time for your meds Wilch.
  16. Is that a GTR spoiler? if so how much?
  17. Sorry about missing the PM's guys. Kit still for sale at this moment.
  18. Sorry i have to withdraw from group buy. Will definitely be buying a cat really soon though so hope are still available then.
  19. I dont have the tolerance, patience, or desire to do any f**king around on the car myself at the moment. I'd be more inclined to smash the shit out of it in personal frustration. Dont think i am kidding. I definitely want the big cat off BATML's group buy, as for front/dump pipe... i dont really care as long as its good.
  20. Mate dont start me on this money crap lol. Spending money is how i deal with personal life being f**ked. Actually i think maybe i should atleast get a boost gauge before this.
  21. I have my car booked in here and there over the next few weeks so i wouldnt even bother fart arsing around with either myself.
  22. Hi all, I have a 3" cat back kakimoto exhaust. I am looking at getting either a bigger cat of split front dump pipe. I cant afford both at the same time. So, which should i get first. I am leaning towards the cat as its much easier to install, but am intersted to know more.
  23. Yeah i have to choose. I'll take the split/dump pipe pending a quick bit of research today that i should get that first instead of CAT. How quick/easy is it to install?
  24. Ah shit i cant afford both. I have a 3inch cat back exhaust... what would be more beneficial to me? The cat or the split dump pipe?
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