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Everything posted by Xizor

  1. Has anyone ever done anything to try and resolve dash, side panel, and window rattles? I seem to get a new one every month and its slowly sending me insane! I think maybe i need to get my windows re-sealed/rubbered but as for the dash console im at a loss... i guess rip it out and put back in. Can anything be done like think rubber or something inserts to stop this happening? From what other people have said... turning music up seems to be the common 'solution'.
  2. Satanic seeing as you have installed one, can you comment on what manwhore has just said?
  3. Xizor


    Mobile Synergy 8000, my s2 r33 loves it.
  4. Xizor


    I get PowerPlay to work on my car... bitch of a drive though! Campbelltown to Drumoyne!
  5. Xizor

    Fine Help

    Letters dont do jack shit unless there is some loop hole or ridiculous circumstances or you have a perfectly spotless record for atleast 10 years. Trust me. I've written in twice, once for being booked for f**king fog lights when it had been raining and there was patches of fog about and the f**king cock sucker cop went ballistic at me and i was 100% respectful the whole time. Wanker. Makes it worse i wasnt even sure how to turn them off/on it wasnt intentional it was a brand new XR6 several years ago. Hope that *&% rots in hell. Go to court, dress respectfully, and explain exactly what happened. It is a massive advantage to take a lawyer but really unless your fighting to keep your licence i wouldnt bother. But if you want to fight it absolutely go to court. I was in a car with 3 other people and we got RBT'd by the cops, all pissed as a fiddle and the driver decided to try and get home instead of just moving the car somewhere quiet. I cant remember what he blew, but it was enough for automatic loss of licence - i did the test aswell to see if i could drive to move the car. He does handle his grog really well like myself so was reasonably safe to drive considering it was 3am on a week day but thats no excuse for being stupid and anyway he went to court, a mate's dad is a barrister or something and went with him, he got off thankfully did have a good record and representation and got to keep his licence and just has to keep a clean slate for 1 year or something and thats it. So the law can be fare sometimes.
  6. Anyone installed the HID from group buy yet?? come on!!
  7. Interested will have to look properly over next day or 2. Hope thats not too late.
  8. Please don't.
  9. Campbelltown here, and i worry every day....
  10. Nah no point trying it any other car we got, not worth it. I'll just try and be careful. The orbital buffer i bought is 240mm in diameter... big puppy. With regard to wipping the product off before waxing, do i wait until i've done the whole car or wipe it off each time i finish a section?
  11. I sure am, had a fit when SAU was down and wanted to know what to do. First time i've been on OCAU for as far back as i can remember. This consolidated thread.... i didnt notice it here or OCAU, i did briefly look for something of that effect. Where is it?
  12. Thanks for the advice guys. I picked up at orbital polisher for $50 at supercheap today and some macguiers swirl remover 2.0 which does light cutting too so hopefully using this stuff will work out alright. Got any advice in method to use the orbital? ie how much mixture to apply, how long to spend on a certain area etc.. Also, whats good wax/polish to do once i've finished with the swirl remover?
  13. Got my bro to wash my car today, and now i notice light scratches especially all over the bonnet when the sun is reflecting off it. Pretty sure it wasnt like this before. He didnt use my normal foam sponges as i left them at my girlfriends, he used my dads ones. I think they are f**ked. I just tried to rub some maguires scratch x over the bonnet with a terry towel clothe but it made no difference (it never seems to do anything to anything!). Help!!!
  14. If my S2 has a dimmer is f**king news to me!!
  15. From what i have heard, pedders is just cheap shit. I know nothing though.
  16. JUNR34 got a pic of 20%?
  17. I have found some Falken 451's and put the order in. Also got the 18" Impuls rims ordered too. Except... wait for it, im not sure i ordered the right tyres! I have ordered 235/40/18 front and 255/40/18 for the rear... is this ok? I have a suspicion i may of ordered the wrong ones (/40) and that this may slightly increase ride height and dodgy up the speedo. Can some people please comment? Am i f**ked?
  18. Holy shit thats just crazy!
  19. haha im trying to get confirmation of price and availability of rim and specific tyres im after. Fingers crossed!!
  20. Sorry to hear it. Where has all this happened? I've experienced quite a few royal arse holes in the glenfield to campbelltown area which is where i am all the time so if its around there i've probably experienced this *%$*#. Some are just outright wankers and i'd love to follow them and get my own back but if i do anything when in my car they'll be able to remember my plates easy and spot my car later on. Not worth it. As for the cops, good luck. I had full car description and plates of a vehicle that robbed our house and the cops did nothing! But they were more than happy to book me for fog lights several years ago when i didnt know it was illegal AND it had been raising and was foggy in places. Some are just as bad as the wankers on the streets.
  21. Well im not going to be a hero racing it on a track, so i think grip is more important than a little bit of understeer which shouldnt be too relevent for normal driving. Not like im gonna go thrashing around corners.
  22. Listing the prices for those above things would be good...
  23. Thanks mate. Dont suppose you have recommendation for greater south west?
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