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Everything posted by funkymonkey

  1. i see your 180 and raise you 20 at all 4.
  2. dyno'd the golf at a mate's shop for shiggles. 80fwkw. bahahaha. POS 8 valve 4 cyl SOHC is gutless as. Does 8.5L/100km tho. Also, factory paint flips from puple to blue, and in the dark looks black. Thing's gonna be a kent to colourmatch.
  3. flight to sydney in 4 hours. FFFUUU
  4. your mate wanted a girl in a relationship to stay the night with him in a hotel and then come back. that's gonna go down real well if she was tryin to reconcile things with her bf. that said, now that she's single he would be OK to fuck her. maybe ask her to colac next weekend? just sayin.
  5. I will cut ya if you drop skids in front of the shop.
  6. what ad? i run adblock on firefox, I don't get any ads
  7. Is the hearse spec one a longer tail or can you actually fit a coffin in the boot of a standard Crown? If you can, that's an awesome selling point. Substitute coffin with 2by4 or surfboard depending on the client I suppose.
  8. depends on the car, if you're buying a cheap shitty 15 year old import (read: R32 & S13) then buy locally. Any car that comes in under SEVS is usually cheaper to import. People usually buy from stealerships locally, then refuse to accept that depreciation affects their car when they sell it. Net effect they ask stupid high prices and even if you haggle 4K off, all you're doing is haggling 4k off the dealership's markup and depreciation. What evo have you got and how much did you pay?
  9. Actually, apologies, I was told retail was $260 and SAU members got it for $200. For some reason the figure $260 stuck in my head. Read the following words very carefully... NO ONE IS HACKING HIS WORK. I don't have access to his work as anyone who uses his firmware will only do the updates in person.I'm starting from scratch (official Xanavi update discs, pics posted in the other thread I started about the V35 we just got), using my own methods and my own tools, on my own car (well the gf's but you get the point). I fail to see at what stage in my development process your programmer gets his knickers in a knot. I did say I would look into it, but I didn't have a V35 to give me any urgency to follow through with it (in fact, there still isn't any urgency as her japanese is quite good and mine is good enough to navigate the basic commands). The gf bought a V35 sedan last month. So I've had about a month to play with it. I never said it was easy, the fact that I don't have a working firmware yet is testament to that... but I've only sat down with it for a couple of days so far. What timing? Exactly what do I stand to gain out of this that makes you guys think I have some sinister plan?
  10. your gripe is with the ADRs, not with the RAWS that have to comply with them or risk losing their RAWS status.
  11. Fair question. Here's how I got to where I am now with this whole firmware project: I was quoted $260 for menu conversion. Reading the thread I also noted that the image that popped up after the flash also contained a xanavi.ru logo in the corner, which i wasn't a fan of. Not wanting to be a sheep and just throw money at something for a solution I decided to better inform myself. Luckily my mum reads russian (go figure, apparently she went to uni in moscow for a few years in the 70's) so I got her to read over a few russian forums which had discussions on the xanavi.ru mod. Between her translation and google translate, I worked out that the original items the programmer used was the Xanavi update discs (set of 3). A quick search on GooParts in japan came up with the discs for $15. A week later an EMS express package showed up at my house with the discs. So in effect this whole process will cost me a few weekends of spare time and roughly $30 to do. I'll have my own custom load screen with no ads for some random programmer's website, and I'll have learnt a shitload from it. Plus I'll have saved $230. Where your BS sniffing kicked into overdrive is probably about what I decide to do with this firmware after I'm done with it. I can either monetise it, like the russian programmer... or I can just give it away so someone else might benefit too. If you think that's way too philanthropic on my part, keep in mind, I also put time into coding custom stuff for this forum, for free, to benefit you guys, and for a job I code Drupal and as per GPL rules contribute whatever custom stuff I make back to the open source community. I really have no qualms with modding some files on a CD and chucking it out on the net so people can benefit from it. I'm not doing it to put Andy out of business, to prove any point or even to win admiration among you guys. If you want it, you can use it, if you don't, I won't care one bit. As I said there are many benefits to a paid service like support and warranties that you won't get if you use my method. It's unfortunate that my heads up to andy about becoming a trader and my update on my own project were in the same post, I can see why you guys were hasty to don your tinfoil hats.
  12. yours probably wasn't 685,000 FOB either I bet in 12 weeks time from now you stilll won't have a car, even if you bought local. good thing about importing is that you pay in stages, so initial up front cost is only like 1/3rd final cost. It's almost like a loan
  13. i'm not fucking goin anywhere. I just demolished half a chicken and chips.
  14. while I wait, I gotta prep the ceffy for sale and sell the S14 shell.
  15. no interest/busy workshop is available for meet/bbq anytime tho.
  16. gotta wait for Meisters to get here from JP, suspension to come from US and boser hood to come from germany. international clusterfuck this car is turning out to be.
  17. wow you're all in here on a thursday night... what a bunch of bored kents. duck?
  18. uhhh.... no change since last night? lol
  19. I'm working on the japanese Xanavi update DVD's that I bought from japan more than one way to skin a cat and all that eh?
  20. *waits for you all to be picked up by spambots and slaughtered with viagra ads*
  21. SSR MK1? Really? If I wanted something that looked like sheetmetal welded to a small barrel I wouldn't wanna be paying $500 each for it. They're great on cars from the 60's. Chuck em on a car from the 80's and it's like putting Watanabe's on an R35.
  22. undertakers around Australia will be brimming full of enthusiasm.
  23. that's cos no one uses 14" any more, not even povo rolla boys.
  24. I like sluts. And sluts like me.
  25. Toyota's soooo taking you off their christmas list ya bloody fringe dweller.
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