um... the australian flag actually represents colonial heritage (hence the scottish, english and irish crosses on it). was a big part of the whole republic debate n so on.
things that irritate me about australian "diversity":
people talking out loud in their native tongue in public places... asian's (and I mean curries and asians, as they're both from the same continent) in particular. Its common courtesy to talk quietly if you have to use your native tongue, as not everyone around can understand what in the world you're screaming at them.
african/arab/indian youths who try and emulate american "gangsta" ways of life. The reason they're so ghetto over there is because they're poor, have no centrelink style govt help, and must resort to violence and crime to get by or drugs to escape reality. The parents of these poser gangster kids here are hardworking people who have migrated from their countries, given up everything to give their kids a better life and this is how they pay them back?
White people who assume that because I've got brown skin, that I don't have communication skills. Trust me, I'd gladly break off some Shakespearian sonnets while drumming some sense into that close minded head of yours.
White kids... for f**k sake... parents... beat them. Kids from ethnic backgrounds are scared to step out of line because of the fear of the beating they'll receive, or the shame from not being respectful to their parents. Its taught from an early age and embedded in them. I'm sick and tired of screaming kids in shopping centres having a tantrum because their mum isn't buying their desired chocolate yoghurt, or swearing at their parents with no sense of remorse. Beat the living snot out of them and teach em what the chain of command is, and what happens when you question that authority. The worst part is that these same kids go to school with well mannered, respectful kids and teach them that its OK to say "f**k you mum".
People who can give out the insults but not take it back. I'm glad most aussies (all colours) are light hearted enough to make racist jokes and not get offended with similar comebacks. What shits me are the idiots who think its gods will that ethnic people aren't fluent enough in popular australian current affairs or have a firm enough grasp on the english language to belittle them back. This means when you make a comment about Murali chucking, I'm allowed to taunt you about Shaun Tait being a cheating, chucking scumbag.