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Everything posted by funkymonkey

  1. I will punch you on the vag if you autotune yourself Jizzy.
  2. pretty sure being a Beiberfag isn't hereditary.
  3. when you hand your money over to a bank you expect them to keep it safe from thieves. you'd be pissed if all they had to protect the door to the safe was a shitty padlock. same same. no they didn't post your details openly, but they sure as shit didn't make it hard to steal either.
  4. other than the Autech GTR sedan, the rest are meh.
  5. btw... serb chick: would smash
  6. FFFUUU makes me wish I didn't sell my old 13BT MX5
  7. agreed, they all look like arse. Only the east bear one looks half decent, cos it's trying to look like a 4 door GTR. Fuck off with that URAS christmas tree looking shit. Much better looking 4 doors to use as platforms. even if you restrict to Nissan, C35 or Y34 is same same with better looks. Sif you'd go past a JZX if you wanted a hot sedan that had go go.
  8. worst. conversion. ever. "how do you like your fibreglass sir?" "badly fitted thanks, hold the body lines too"
  9. oh i dunno, when I hand over my personal and credit details to a company I tend to expect them to be both responsible for its safety and liable for its loss. cos accepting it also means you waive the right to hold them liable for any losses or inconvenience.
  10. one out of three ain't that bad i suppose. yes but ALL skylines are made worse by virtue of having a Mohsen.
  11. not in your hands.
  12. amateur hour in here. I'm on car number 26 atm.
  13. true, you can't even take a piss without splashing one.
  14. Nah I'm convinced they got breached. I just think that they're being very sneaky by apologising without accepting liability and attaching waiver statements to any rewards for putting up with downtime. I mean FFS, they posted the breach in their blog. So technically if you didn't read the blog you'd never have known. They didn't even bother to email anyone individually via mass email, which they do happily to promo their shit... but apparently it's too hard to do when your credit card details have been stolen. Sony is a 1990's company stuck in 2010's.
  15. what you have already + not living from paycheque to paychque.
  16. wtf is a glute?
  17. Whatever happened, Sony is being super dodgy about it. Like making you sign a waiver if you accept their "gifts" for the inconvenience. Taking 2 days to report a mass break of customer confidentiality to the FBI etc.
  18. TL;DR: I'm poor and can't afford a full tank of fuel.
  19. so close to being on point, and you go and pull a Basti.
  20. anon was DDOS'ing something else so Sony was too busy fending that off to notice someone else stealing shit. It's like if you were driving down the freeway, saw someone broken down and then crashed into the guy in front of you cos you were rubbernecking, then tried to blame the guy who had broken down for distracting you.
  21. wait... wut? it's an auto? FFS! douchebag!
  22. Mo, car's got mad potential. Good buy. Fuckin finally. When you're off your P's... you need to jam a LS1 or LS3 in that bitch.
  23. steal someone else's
  24. prove it.
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