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Everything posted by funkymonkey

  1. one has to experiment to find oneself... unlike you who changes from mild manned geek by day: to notorious arse bandit by night:
  2. twas twas... until you decided to try something different
  3. i have a feeling you actually like poo flingers adz... look at that love struck look in her eyes... monkeh love adz... you know you want it.
  4. ... and while we're on the topic of public excretions... do you really need to use your pet rat as an excuse to pull your dick out in public?
  5. look here Mr LeBlanc... there's no reason to make this into a shit slinging contest...
  6. sounds about right... this was in early 2005.
  7. my mumma ain't white f00... is all this attention seeking coz you dunno who your daddy is... here's a clue:
  8. adz! what did I tell you about posting pics of yo mumma? ah well at least she's clothed... unlike the last one you sent me
  9. hmmm when did the new law kick in y0? I might've gotten stung before it changed.
  10. you're all in cahootz with this guy
  11. ceck the subscriptions section in your "My Controls" control panel.
  12. this is a broken pivot: or a bent fork or something like that. OS Giken thrust bearings are a bit narrower than the standard ones, as the pressure plate is a little different (a new bearing should've come with the kit). If you were to use a standard nissan one it might not contact with the pressure plate properly and therefore cause problems disengaging.
  13. yeah importing modded cars is fine as long as the RAW is able to changeover the aftermarket parts for those that are present in the evidence package they used. Also the aftermarket parts can't alter the structure of the car that is irreversible (ie hole cut out to fit FMIC). once you submit a car as being complianced, dotars can inspect the car at their discretion to see if the work carried out is by the book. some workshops take a gamble and put the paperwork in without doin the hard yards, and when they get audited they get into trouble. I've heard of workshop owners closing the roller doors when they've seen an auditer come down the driveway and run out the back door. Most RAWS do it by the book and get by. DOTARS maintains tabs on most RAWS and the ones that get audited regularly are the cowboys of the industry and those that are just starting out. technically the parts taken off must be destroyed, but the RAW can sell it to a scrapper who then sells it back to the customer etc... as its out of their control.
  14. noo.. really? I paid tax on my ferrari jacket and it only came to $550.
  15. it'll pull the baby mommas. and pirates from looks of it.
  16. its only a matter of time before someone cuts the arse out of R33 compliance and does it for barely more than cost. enough workshops are springing up who whore the Shogun R33 evidence and get their RAWS status, and they all compete against each other.. subsequently pricing each other out of business. for most workshops R33 compliance is bread n butter, and the real profits come from newer cars like V35's and Evo's.
  17. lawl... about time you saw it.
  18. umm well my uncle' goin to some wold economic conference there, and hes comin back empty handed (other than the booze)... i already warned him... he doesn't seem to mind. only problem with EMS is cost of PS3 + EMS > 500 = tax shaftage.
  19. what? you've never stripped in front of a webcam for money to get you thru college?
  20. its built for americans... so look at it from behind american beer goggles. thats where nissan's main market is these days... and unfortunately their design gearing.
  21. pretty sure most scuderia owners will have another ferrari to get around in for the 5 years till their car is delivered.
  22. GT2's are RWD aren't they? can't really compare an AWD to a RWD.
  23. If they're goin for specs that are similar to Porsche shouldn't it be: 911 - GT-R 911 Turbo - GT-R V Spec 911 GT3 - GT-R N1 seeing as N1 has traditionally been the stripped down racegoing version... just like the GT3, and the V Spec's been the souped up version of the base model... just like the Turbo?
  24. happened just then... good one prankeh
  25. happened just then... good one prankeh
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