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Everything posted by funkymonkey

  1. one can never have too many TE's never.
  2. lol half those cars are the same ones in the Doriten ceffy issue of 2008
  3. was she offended by the fact that you were humming or that you were humming Gilligan's Island? If it's the latter I highly reccomend Mr Ed's theme song. easy to hum.
  4. I see. so when are you gonna design and build a car that works and performs the way you want it to, instead of bolting on bits that other people develop to hack your car to perform better? don't understand em? look at yourself and replace your car with a PS3. the irony is hilarious.
  5. learn to use the "search" function. that's all you need.
  6. PSN was hacked not via a PS3, but a PC emulating a PS3 from what I read. PS3 hash being leaked had nothing to do with that. Sony just sucked at protocol encryption. There's hackers who hack because they don't like the way a product functions, and there's hackers who hack to steal. Know the difference. Besides... who uses non disposable credit card accounts with no overdraw or low limits on the internet these days? What are you 50 and technologically illiterate?
  7. fine. 28k for you peasants like the one above. still a fair bit better value for money than a Evo 9 @ 40K.
  8. lol no I just buy one in japan cheaper and then pay less for compliance cos half the compliance companies in the country owe me favours. plus I don't have to pay the $1000 agent fee to myself. all adds up. you can cup my sweaty nuts if you think I'm gonna waste my time finding cars for anyone but myself. But here's one that's close: http://j-spec.com.au/featured/2004-Mitsubishi-Lancer-GSR_EVO_8_MR-15434.html
  9. 25K on the road for me. not you.
  10. Do tell
  11. fuck paying 40k for an evo. Evolution VIII MR imported for 25k on the road. That's good enough for me. most 2004ish cars come with full service books anyways.
  12. you know how I know you're cheating?
  13. haha shit i totally forgot.
  14. fuck off. in 4 years the ceffy will have been scrapped for parts by some habib that ploughed it into a bus stop thinking he was a drift superstar.
  15. Intelligence, genius. wrong kinda thongs.
  16. regas my cefiro v-boy.
  17. you'd only not stick around if you aren't proud of who you're stickin it into.
  18. post coital deuce is important. leave toilet seat down for when she wakes up the next morning. also, unless you sleep with beasts, stayin in bed for breakfast is your right as a man. fuck sneaking out after the deed. easy way to miss out on wake up sex and a meal. buy ceffy. turbo and exempt.
  19. don't get her anything? just leave the toilet seat down as a thank you the next morning.
  20. One for my Aussie followers: http://heyb.ru/kDWXog "...cause enormous damage to Frankston's reputation..." BAHAHHAHHAH. HAHHAHAHHA HAHAHHA!

  21. Only dropkicks get their girlfriends flowers in boxes. Boxes are for friends who don't put out that you still want to keep a line of communication open with, and dead people.
  22. Ugh, so am I the only one that uses complex algebra on a regular basis for work? Query optimisation via graph traversal using telescoping series etc?
  23. Ooer, Book Country reports are starting to pop up everywhere in the blogosphere now. How exciting! #neo

  24. I'd smash the next queen to be though... Just sayin. She's got impeccable teeth for a pomme. Such a QILF.
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