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Everything posted by funkymonkey

  1. nah Adz wasn't available for the weekend. Had to resort to waking up with a woman.
  2. haha I can so picture you monkeys driving around and around all those roundabouts following each other. Shoulda told everyone to look for the midnight purple R33 GTR which'll be parked outside the venue. Hopefully those that went liked it enough to come back on the first sunday of next month. Sunday in Adelaide... was... eventful although we ordered breakfast in bed and I was thinkin I'd rather have the food at the Lakes.
  3. sounds good. I'm mainly busy after about 1pmish, so if you guys are doin anything in the mornings that'd be ace.
  4. Hey guys, I'm not exactly a regular in the SA section, but you may know me from such movies as "SAU Admins, do they really have guns and shit?". I'm in Adelaide city till thursday for work n stuff. I pretty much have a lot of time to kill till I go back, so wanted to know what there was to do around the city with no car. Next time I'm gonna drive down and hit the hills n wine country, but for now I'm stuck with public transport and my own two feet. I've seen heaps of 'lines around the city, and Adelaide university (where a friend of mine goes). I was thinking I might drop into John Verban's car yard for shits n giggles... does anyone know how far from the city it is? So yeah, please tell me if there's any skyline events with public access happening before thursday night or just places I should go check out while I'm here, keeping in mind my transport situation.
  5. Its in the title, 10am till whenever. At risk of sounding like a hipocrite I won't be able to make it to breakfast as I'll be sunny Adelaide on Sat arvo thru to Tuesday.
  6. when Rezz loves you long time you won't need a piece of tin to be popular with the drift bandwagonists.
  7. Peanut butter ripple time! both the cars in that pic (r32 and cef) look hawt. Who's in the R32?
  8. Stageas came in RWD RB25 as well (just no one in australia seems to like or know about em), as did C34 Laurels, Glorias and Cedrics. Its pretty strange to modify an AWD RB25DET to a RWD when you can just get a RWD one cheaper and more easily. Also the late late model RB engines are NEO engines, so make sure you get the right parts for it (eg: top feed injectors instead of sidefeed like regular RB25DETs).
  9. Yeah catch the skybus to the last stop, when you get there walk towards the big sign that says crown. Skybus is $18 I think (or free if the driver's a ncie guy and you have a boarding pass on you). Bus takes about 20 mins by freeway.
  10. damn you... hey I thought your boss was your old man?
  11. hmm yeah melb to melb should have arrived a long time ago. Might check with the guy that does the postal run (sent with company mail) to see what was done and if he has some sort of tracking.
  12. noice kit! looks hot! is it a URAS or an origin lab? :D lol j/k spermy.
  13. ae86's are rust heaps, i own one (oz spec upgraded to japanese rear and silvia front). I also work for an importer and only 1 out of 10 ae86's we inspect that are cheap have acceptable amounts of rust. Usually their owned by budding amatures with small budgets in japan, so maintenance is not a priority. The ones that are well looked after and clean are owned by proper enthusiasts and a good clean runner will cost you at least 12k to anywhere up to 23k for fully restored ones. For that sorta money you can easily land an R33 GTSt that's 10 years newer. In comparison most DR30's we look at have easy lives and aren't as neglected. Purely from a value for money perspective, I'd say go with the DR30... you just don't get as good a car if you bought an AE86 for the same amount.
  14. As long as the RAW complying your car is OK with it (and I'm fairly sure your RAW would know about the car by now seeing as they had to apply for an import approval for it) then you should be fine. Also minor damage like scratched panels and pin dents are OK for compliance, and quite possible that the car was repainted to cover those up. Seeing as Black isn't a factory colour for the S1's it's also quite likely that the old owner had a bit of penis envy for the S2's when they came out and got his redone in black. If you've seen a dark green stagea up close and personal you'll know that its very easy to do a colour change on it to black. The engine bay itself is sooo dark that it looks black in sunlight if its a little dirty.
  15. QLD, WA, NSW and VIC seem to do just fine putting up with the "headaches" of running an SAU club. There's actually about 20 sections on this forum you guys don't get to see which are for club members from various states. Seriously, we got told "oh no its so hard", "it'll never work" etc before we started too, and then a couple of us just sat down, nutted out the proper paperwork, and registered as a non profit organisation (as long as all the money made by the club is re-invested to service the members then its non profit) which means no special book keeping or tax work. CAMS affiliation is easy to get, and any one of the CAMS affiliated SAU clubs (VIC and NSW) can help you guys with it. Its also quite cheap if you do it right. We hold motorkhana days every second month, and super sprints in combination with the WRX club and the Masserati/Porsche club every other month for our members, all of which require CAMS. We charge $70 to sign up as a member (you get a lanyard and a membership card and a couple of SAU stickers) and $90 for your full CAMS speed event license. Very cheap compared to most other clubs out there... in fact we've had people sign up just so that they can get their CAMS licenses and not fork out a fortune to their own clubs. All our member only cruises are covered by CAMS insurance, which means if one of our members happen to go head first into a house the member and the club is covered from damages incurred.
  16. Hey guys, the footbrake on my R32 doesn't work unless you pump the brakes a few times. This is usually the indication that there's air in the system and it can be very easily fixed if I bleed the brake lines to get rid of the air. However, my braking system has ABS as well, and I just noticed the other day that there was a little oil just underneath it on the turbo shroud and a little down the side of the unit, as if it had dripped out of the ABS unit. Here's what I'd like to know from those in the know: Is my ABS unit faulty, or is it a matter of me replacing some washers/connectors on the pipes. Can this be the reason that my brakes are dead, as if oil can get out, air most probably can get into the system. Is there any way to isolate the ABS unit out of the brake system to check if it is faulty (or even leaking for that matter). I have a switch which I can use to turn ABS on and off, if that helps. I will add some pics tomorrow if it'll help. I do have a spare ABS unit on hand, but I'd prefer not to swap it in to find out it makes no difference, so I'd rather somehow isolate the existing ABS unit out of the braking system to check what is at fault.
  17. lol Most. Generic. Kit. Evar. I like the Origin kits for the silvia's, but really, this one's just too much like the rest that are out there... wish someone would take a slightly different styling cue to the 20 to 30 fibreglass workshops in japan that seem to supply the same kit under different names.
  18. mine smells like vanilla, fuel and sex.
  19. Craig just let me know that if it weren't for Leewang's woman keeping him in line he'd have gambled it all and won only $3000.
  20. is he still going? I'm not recording... I hope someone is... goddamnit... I can't watch it.
  21. weaksauce! that's only 1/6th the value of his car.
  22. shit I forgot to set my video capture on! gaaaah!
  23. yeah no fixed cameras but definitely mobile speed cameras on the onramps on Doncaster, Tram and Middleborough roads. Definitely not a good idea to speed around there.
  24. might seem like a silly question... but is the car complianced? I can't see any plate in the engine bay pic.
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