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Everything posted by funkymonkey

  1. you can also use coloured vinyl dye (which you can get in supercheap etc) if you need to match coloured bits... or colour your bits. Its not as accurate as the black stuff though, so if you use one application of red dye on your bits, they may turn into pink bits. Make sure with any of these dyes that once you spray em on, you don't touch the plastic till they dry completely, as they turn soft while the solvent in the dye gets into them (which will leave fingerprints etc).
  2. so dane beat juz over a technicality? weaksauce! Although checkin out the results, I can't really give Adam (newton) shit for driving a girly car like I was at the start of the day. w00t for lowest score and being the first ones home. We ran into the red MX5 on the way back as well, looking at the scores it looks like it suffered a similar predicament to us.
  3. I thought it was common knowledge to use black dye to restore faded plastic items (like door handles on the interior of R32's, and rubber mouldings around windows).
  4. send an international fax? and then let Jesse know, so he can ring straight away and follow up the fax?
  5. sorry dude, can't do that... as much sense as something like that makes if you goof up a thread, it makes more sense to allow the moderators to decide what is useful and what is not. Basically we don't want threads that go sour or against the original poster's wishes to go missing overnight. I might look into letting users delete threads where there have been no replies and within 15 minutes of posting it. Dynamic links between img tags was always switched off (to my knowledge), and uploaded pics don't redirect to static links anymore. Will look into why the thumbnails don't work.
  6. Fark me, its been a while since we met up to pick up those seats off ya. And wow... car looks hot as. Is this the same one that was in your driveway when we met up?
  7. clearly you've never seen brisby with his top off. I've seen aftrican tribal women on the discovery channel with less saggy tits.
  8. I piddy the foo that drives a mazda 6. That said... I've got a vid of you doin some wicked cornering with the handbrake. Now if only I can send the vid to your mum.
  9. Was driving down Springvale road today, and spotted this 240K sporting some Skyline C110 bits. Looks like its in the middle of a restoration job as well. Anyone on the forum?
  10. With the Sk80 constantly popping off the intercooler piping due to backpressure and a lack of BOV... and the Kakimoto R33 wearing down the clutch due to excess stress caused by 13" wide wheels on the back trying to grip while doing second gear drifts... the j-spec team retired early for the day (w00t 80km/h drive back to melbourne... going uphill at maybe 50km/hr... 110 only on downhills). I only managed to get a grand total of 6 pics for the day, but I got some good incar video, and also footage of the skidpan runs straight after lunch. Also... does anyone in the Glen Waverley area have a firewire cable I can borrow tonight so I can get the video off the camera?
  11. If you're at the GP make sure you come say hi to the SAU crew who are putting on a display there.
  12. we can put you in touch with JPNZ (the publishers), who are members on this forum... and you can discuss the legalities of downloading a copy with them read this thread for more info: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...showtopic=94953
  13. I know half the convoy is out in Shepparton getting smashed right now, so when you guys get back post up the pics and let the gasbagging begin.
  14. 19k for an N/A is a bit much isn't it? we've got series 2 GTSt's for 19k... granted they're not AWD, but they're a lot faster.
  15. who's gonna get drunk and sleep on a park bench this time then?
  16. Guys, there's two groups of people that are supplying faux leather covers atm. Please don't confuse prices/products through one supplier with the other.
  17. yup, noticed that vij, will add it to the todo list of stuff to fix with the skin when we adapt it to SAU. another thing we need to fix is the avatar system. the current one sucks balls.
  18. dezz, yup, if you check the times of those posts, you'll notice its just before I made the post above. It should be all good now. Also the dark skin does make the text smaller. We definitely want to run a light skin and a dark skin. Personally I prefer lighter skins, and others prefer darker ones, so this way everyone has something. The end look will be a blend of the two skins. Ska, can you check your subscriptions to make sure they're not set to immediate, as its a little buggy in this version.
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