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Everything posted by funkymonkey

  1. ideally you want clear lights that light up orange in the clear bit, you can have orange globes in the repeater (orange bit on the side)
  2. coz your lazy ass is at work half the time, I don't want to be gettin you fired for idle chatting on the phone WHILE you whore on the net.
  3. finally someone with an RB24S. can you post pics of your engine, i've been trying to find one for years now. Are you in the phillipines? taiwan?
  4. that's coz ceffies in the middle east don't have RB turbo engines, the best they ever got was RB20E SOHC 2L. Even then they had drum brakes and all sorts of gay shit.
  5. no worries. hope softy dosen't get all emo about my testicles comment
  6. scratchx only fills in scratches in the clearcoat. if its a oxidised stain or dried poop (ie has eaten through your clear due to the chemicals and heat) then you'll need to cut and polish it. if its deeper than that then you'll need a new clear.
  7. can I have one too? lol ni, call me when you're free, I need to talk to you about the CBs.
  8. ooo another sky80... hehe about time someone made another one. Looks good too with the kit and paint. Good luck with the sale.
  9. funkymonkey

    Go Summer!

    lol should make for a really good night on NYE to be out and about alcoholising... i mean... socialising.
  10. funkymonkey

    Go Summer!

    settle down... some of us are stuck in an airconditioned office you know.
  11. I am soooo there.
  12. yeah what G said, http://search.ebay.com.au/search/search.dl...c%3D2&sadis=200 told ya you should have bought one when EB had em on sale.
  13. lol you may as well trace around my testicles, it'll be more accurate.
  14. if this is between 2nd of Jan and the 10th of Jan, I'm so in. I'll even do my best to hunt down some Metalcast cans for teh cef to bling with.
  15. looks like a 5 o clock shadow... your car needs to shave.
  16. pahahhaha I knew it'd be wheels.
  17. who is honda/stereo ben? I've got a buckled (well its a small dent that needs to be pulled out) rim that needs a fixin too.
  18. take screw driver, jam inside hole, smash, repeat until satisfied. really easy or you could do it the long way, follow my DIY guide: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...showtopic=42193 either way check that thread, you should be able to see the orange cover inside that we're talking about.
  19. you might wanna get these: Konig Rewinds inark off this forum bought a set of 14" ones (pictured above) and it cost him $630 landed to his door or something. 15" may be a little more expensive. They're sold on ebay as well, but its cheaper from the forum resellers, PM inark and find out who supplied his.
  20. you ain't got shit...
  21. R34 GTR's are wangan police I think. Most of the skylines used by various police departments (each perfecture has a different police structure and cars etc) are 4 door undercover or investigator cars, mostly boring
  22. yeah, series 1 narrow body indicators with the orange inside bubble removed (ie smashed out).
  23. yeah I was hoping to sort out all the Perthanites in one hit. I'll send a copy of D1GP 2005, Kaido Battle 3, World Super Police, and C1 to someone who can handle games on DVDR, and also is willing to share it with teh others in WA. Postage should be a few bucks, so don't worry about it, just make a donation to SAU or something.
  24. someone take the ugly stick off rezz's hands... he's done enough damage to the car by giving the tail lights a beating with it. agreed with teh Baron... love your work with the rest of the car... don't like tacky "altezza" tailights. Besides to be road legal, you're gonna need a red reflector on there somewhere.
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