audi's and beemer's are the falcons and commodores of europe, furreals. VW's are the toyotas (they sell a shitload, and are just simple, easy to use, mechanically resilient cars). Anyone who think's they're luxury is delusional and needs to get their head checked. It may work on your average bogan who's never needed to apply for a passport cos he reckons Albury is going too far away, but seriously, get yourself some perspective.
Same goes for any assmonkey that thinks Lexus is value for money. The Toyota Altezza was half the price and twice as feature rich as the IS200 or IS300, just because globalisation wasn't as prelevant back in the day, doesn't mean it still has to be right now. Stop swinging on history and archaic thinking's nuts, and wake up to the fact that we live in a global economy that drives a global playing field. The more you pillocks let dealers convince you that something is worth paying a premium for because it is a "luxury item" the further you propagate the myth.
Next time you meet a euro wanker, remind em that they're driving germany's falcon. Meet some middle management knobjugger that drives a Lexus 4WD? Ask him how his glorified landcruiser does offroad.
Fuck off with your "luxury" bullshit. You bunch of cockjockeys also probably reply to Nigerian princes and buy speakers out of the back of white vans.
Owning an Audi or Beemer is more an excuse for some prat stuck in middle management to ramble on about how much more affluent he is than the next guy. Wanna prove you can dabble in real luxury? Have a garage that resembles a member of arab royalty's. Hell, even an Aussie mine owner's garage will do. Real affluent people buy an Audi or a Beemer cos they can afford it and its quality is higher than what passes off as acceptable in Australia, then they never speak of the fact ever again, to them it's just another car. The guys who bleat on about it are usually the ones trying to prove to the world that they are worth something.