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Everything posted by funkymonkey

  1. cos he's curry and as far as his wallet is concerned, it's cheaper for you, him and your mum to get there by car. even if it does mean 9 agonising hours of being stuck in a car with your olds.
  2. muhahaha. Registered the domain "heyb.ru" to use as a URL shortening domain. Best $10.45 spent evar.

  3. Ohh, twas a coverup while @lifehacker fixed their Apache Solr bug. Ugh. Solr. So good, yet so bad. Reminds me, I should fix our Solr bug too

  4. xALmon = salmon?
  5. wut?
  6. Tonight we spec. Tonight we prototype. Like a ninja, we do allege, tonight we tread the bleeding edge. Tonight we begin. Brand new site FTW!

  7. Ahh the lulz... RT @PenguinBooks The very first Venn diagram: http://j.mp/f9H8ZT

  8. looks like what you poop after eating about 6 cobs of corn.
  9. the only way you can make the trispokes on that skyline look any better is by gettin rid of em.
  10. There's only two ways to make trispoke advans look good... hide the spokes by painting it black and pulling focus to the lip: or let your nuts hang out in people's faces and show em you don't care that they're hating on trispokes by painting em a bright fluoro colour:
  11. Digital Future Team - In it for the lulz, lollies and ladies.

  12. Jessica Alba... fap fap fap fap fap http://post.ly/1MiJy

  13. Nope, for a car manufactured before 1976 when the ADR and VSI regulations kicked in, all it needs is a signature from a VASS which says that it meets the manufacturing standard of the car when it was produced. I've already run it past a VASS who's happy to sign off on it. Basically it's just too old for anyone to care about like? with proper insulation the cabling is resistant to heat, vibration, EMI, signal decay, moisture etc. Tech from 2000 and late instead of the 60's... naamsayin? You can transmit a lot more data a lot quicker too, which means you could even splice in sensors that have a higher bandwith for more accurate readings.
  14. When I read a website review that mentions "above the fold" I instantly dismiss the author as a luddite that clings to old print mentality.

  15. engine is 1973, car is 1972. So they only have to meet EPA standards from that year. EFI and suspension conversion is outside ADR requirements. I can run a straight pipe and still be legal. Think I'll truck muffler it tho. Might be a tad louder than the 96db I'm allowed. Engine is heavy as f**k tho, and car will be light as. Super fun sideways times. Engineering is $200 for that year car
  16. Yeah Vic driving test is retardedly easy to pass. They ask you to parallel park with like 3 car spaces to roll back into.
  17. fuck better cut back next year on car mods.
  18. got paid yest + christmas bonus. just bought this: http://www.massfloefi.com/mass-flo-systems-chevrolet-c-1_6/chevrolet-big-block-efi-system-p-9?zenid=be236d073fa039e0c31e11511ec15160 EPA compliant 240z + 8.1L V8 FTMFW. Should make about 350rwkw on a streetable tune. Once the kit gets here I might look at a vortech supercharger kit and custom inlet for it. Suspension (IRS, arms etc) is coming out of the S14 I have sitting in the garage, so should make it handle like a muddabitch on rails. bending the rules is so much fun.
  19. one of my mates in england is currently working on converting his Motec ECU to fibreoptic, so all it has is one cable coming out of it carrying up to 256 different signals. realistically he says he'll have 3 cables, one to the dash, one to the engine bay and another to boot/fuel delivery system. still... 3 optical cables < 11ty billion wire cables that can short out, get interference, start fires etc. Once he's finished prototyping it, I'm so gonna get on that.
  20. w00t! Just got a Tokina AT-X 116 Pro lens for my camera. http://post.ly/1MGgj

  21. Cliffhanger reenactment at work http://post.ly/1LblE

  22. going to south korea to snowboard from 26th to the 2nd. my DP hasn't worked for a while now cos I cbf'd renewing happysliders.com domain name And yeah 10 years of owning various R32's is enough for anyone.
  23. Yeah ultra cheap. Probably get a 100% markup in oz tho.
  24. pat = owner of emo r32
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