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Everything posted by funkymonkey

  1. Mah mannnn. fuck yo rolla nyukkuh. fuck yo rolla.
  2. sif pay Lexus tax on a corolla with leather sears. get a V35 (or V36 depending on budget) sedan (the baller spec model, not the poverty spec velour rockin shit) and pimp it.
  3. if there was any car I'd wanna be in a side impact in, it'd be a soarer. those doors weigh a tonne and are strong as shit. they gotta have hit that pole at crazy speeds to bend it in like that
  4. how is this tard still alive?
  5. must be cos you own and R32 GTS4
  6. I don't think anyone's spent anything close to what you have on your cars.
  7. Thank fuck I'm not the only person in here that used to go to Next Blue. I detest any place with excessive number of curries... or any other ethnics for that matter. I like "white" clubs, the atmosphere is way more chilled out, no one has attitudes, there's no fights and everyones just there for a good time. Also bouncers at a predominantly ethnic clientele event seem to come to work feeling shitty already and are even more difficult to deal with than usual.
  8. all my mates who bought HTC Desires and Galaxy S's when they came out over the iPhone 4 are all now complaining that they freeze up, are slow, don't have good apps etc. Apparently everytime you install an app they leave rubbish processes behind that slowly slow the phone down, and even task managers don't help cos they're system level daemons. Then there's the fact that they have to sit on 2.1 till Vodafone push out an update, and the ones on Optus are on 2.2 but don't have an update for the HTC Desire's, only Samsung Galaxy S. The only ones not complaining are the ones who rooted their phones and installed Vanilla or custom OS's.
  9. Truf @BoingBoing's http://bit.ly/gPQFiv: "Apparently people draw the line at making a statement when it starts to mildly annoy them. "

  10. yes, except it's more manly, so you have to JO each other while making eye contact and eating imitation crab meat. cbf wasting my time with that shit. not like I'm selling anything on here anyways.
  11. cefiro? should be for sale in feb coz golf will be done.
  12. haha i'm goin for that too.
  13. 33 gts4? why? long hair no care. removing rep system in a week anyways.
  14. which is why I still don't get why you didn't be mature about it and just do shit by the book. you know this is gonna cost you headaches in the long run.
  15. do tell, what's the full story why you went out and bought a turbo skyline before you got an exemption letter? esp when everyone basically told you that it won't be exempted. if you're referring to the car that I don't own anymore, actually it was a sack of shit, but it was an awesome sack of shit cos it was a misslecar. You know, not like the ceffy that has a clean body and good stance Different cars for different purposes, geddit?
  16. shoulda held out for JO's at least.
  17. coz that's how I roll.also esp to sam cos he went out and bought a car everyone told him not to, and now have to watch and listen to slowly go about everything arse first. lets get real, it's only a matter of time before he gets dicked, then blacklisted, then targetted, and he comes on here and has a cry cos the cops are camping outside his house waiting to suspend his license and make him go through an EPA. once he gets something in his head he never lets it go, he loves an R32, that's fine. why not buy a N/A? nah, he sees all the guys rollin in turbos like Kris and Hamish goin on about 11ty billion killabees at the wheels and wants to be part of that. these guys aren't on their P's and are a lot older than him. it's just plain thinking with the peen instead of the brain. if we all sat around givin each other reacharounds about how awesome each others cars are, and JO each other silly about the faggotry you guys indulge in when it comes to modifications, then you'll end up with Kris never knowing that his car looks like a skittle coloured hovercraft, jeremy with sunken battleship chromies for wheels, niggaroj with enough clearance to hide Assange and Bin Laden under his wheel arches, mohsen with a dose pipe, etc. no. I'm sorry if some of you delicate little flowers can't take creative criticism with a pinch of salt and not get butthurt over it. if you don't like it you can get the fuck out. yup, totally got me figured out. so insecure. i cry myself to sleep everynight cos I'm so jelly about you guise.
  18. how about you buy a car you can actually drive? And I mean somethign within your capabilities... like an excel. You're a gimp, and I promise you when you write your car off I will laugh long and hard at you.
  19. all it takes is prolonged vibration for a parked head to come loose and run all over the platter essentially destroying it.you reckon australia post will only shake the crap out of your HDD for 2 milliseconds at a time?
  20. you wanna send a HDD in the mail? like an HDD with cylinders and heads and moving platters? the type that fuck up if there's too much vibrations? vibrations like a parcel tumbling through the postal system? you're a fuckin genius. wanna send me some money so I can free up some nigerian assets for you?
  21. It works the other way around, cos QLD's police database system is like in the 90's still. Nga's dealing with faxes n shit. For real.VIC cops on the other hand will shaft you regardless of where your car is rego'd. Esp if you have a VIC license.
  22. More importantly, what's in Nutty Norti Nuggets.txt?
  23. lol that's just you being a tard. Yeah the IP.Board App is just a wrapper app for the forum software we use. It's not really customised for SAU, but you should still be able to use the full version if you click the link at the bottom of the page in the app.
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