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Everything posted by funkymonkey

  1. yeah look i'm not a fan of the ads either, but out of my control. pays the bills for the hosting.
  2. fuck them pansy ngas. altho I used to own a pet tarantula. so meh. he was mad fluffy and shit. also, thorax is not abdomen. thorax is their chest, abdomen is their tail. if you pick a spider up by it's tail it could splode or shit itself or bend over and bite you. thorax is like ultimate body grip.
  3. I just pick em up and take em outside. nga's curl up when you grab em by the thorax anyways.
  4. yeah got into med n did one year before I went "fuck this shit" and changed to software engineering. I was gettin HD's and shit in med too, was just boring as shit memorising crap out of a book. nah, I did it while I was doin my uni course, just did it via correspondence with UTS in syd. Had to go in twice for assessments that's about it.
  5. make sure you don't scratch the paint tho. probably best to just borrow a heatgun or wait for a really hot day.
  6. no. scalpel will though.
  7. you gotta be in that class rego to have crazy overhang. it's usually reserved for trucks n shit. Vanners have got nothing on the truckers and their bling in JP though. Ngas rock state of the art tech on their shit.
  8. After y12 I had to do that tarded UMAT test for med and then go for an interview so they could scope out if I was a psycho. Somehow managed to pass both... shame medicine was as much fun as letting your scrotum drag on the ground while hanging off the back of a speeding locomotive. Decided to do a Digital Design diploma while I was at uni for shits n giggles... submitted a portfolio to get in, but never had to go for an interview. Wish I knew about my HECS debt back then
  9. you need to do an interview to get into uni? what are you "gifted"?
  10. That rex has "omg dish on yahoo and cheeeeeap as bro, I'm gonna buy it now!" wheels. Fuckin muppets putting heavy as shit VIP wheels on sports cars.
  11. no freshers unfortunately. i had to fire a fresher web designer cos I had to spend too much time bringing him up to speed and was making way too many rookie mistakes. http://www.penguin.com.au/jobs nothing you learn at uni is useful when it comes to programming jobs. experience is king.
  12. agreed. lolfag
  13. 50k to 70k depending on how incompetent you are. no mohsens need apply. the only thing you could program is a microwave.
  14. wait... wut? under the car? like the side that faces the road? put it up on a hoist and hit it with a pressure washer?
  15. who wants to work as my bitch? we're hiring a PHP programmer.
  16. The IXUS 80 is shooting at f2.8 ISO 80 The D90 is shooting at f4.0 ISO 200 This means that there is a LOT more light going into the IXUS than there is for the D90 with the kit lens. Which explains why the IXUS is more vibrant.
  17. i got a little trap spider that lives somewhere in my car. Tiny but they've got that little spider syndrome, where they spin like this big fuckoff thick web to catch shit on. nga's spun a web across my driver side passenger door and rear fender and also started one last night on my side mirror.
  18. this is true. I have a bottle of scotch in my desk.
  19. I gotta admit, I was giggling to myself as I typed that it's a nice subtle kit.
  20. If your life was a game... Game: Begin level. Game: Choose your car. Jizzy: MR2! Game: Game over. Jizzy: But... but... sweet bodykit! Game: I said game over. Jizzy: FML!
  21. WIN. I'll be at work drinking from 12 onwards.
  22. no point discussing the clarity of an image when you're resizing to 1024 and applying software antialiasing etc is there? leave it as it is, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  23. i actually prefer file hosting over image sharing, at least they don't fuck with your photo and ruin the metadata etc.
  24. so you took the dregs off a dude that has shitty taste? what's that say about your taste in aesthetics?
  25. 24-75 f2.8 with a digital extension tube... which is kinda handy cos the camera can still do auto ISO etc. Tube knocks it down one f stop though, so can't use it with slow lenses. http://www.digitalcamerawarehouse.com.au/prod6897.htm still gotta use manual focus for best results.
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