well going the way it does, it'll only be a matter of time before everyone in VIC is a hoon according to the pollies.
can't blame the cops, they're not the ones that make up the laws. blame the people you've elected into state government, who are clearly passing bills to appease joe public by scapegoating. "we're spending $600,000 p/a on making our roads safer... by labelling people as hoons."
"hoons" unfortunately cop it as they are the ones people notice on the road. you can't tell a mass murderer or petty thief from a normal person, but you sure as hell can tell a loud or brightly coloured car.
knee jerk reaction politics. find the largest brightest target, do something about it, even if it doesn't solve the actual problem, and people will think you've revolutionised the system. gets you re-elected.