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Everything posted by funkymonkey

  1. we'll just publicly shame and humiliate him until HESDOINITRIGHT. So in fact, Mohsen didn't buy an R32, VIC wasteland just did. pity it's auto. although, 11ty billion times easier to swap to stagea RB25 tho.
  2. complimentary reacharounds on join?
  3. so like your penis retreats into your body in shame of being attached to an R33 driver and makes it look like a vagina?
  4. i got no qalms with their weight. hell I'd take an R34 over any of em and they're the heaviest of the bunch. they're just awkward, you know like when you meet this banging hot chick that looks epic from the neck down, but the from the neck up she looks like she's got down syndrome with a bit of dribble and snot all mixed together as it drips down her chin, and she looks up at you with those mongoloid eyes and softly utters "herp derp bunnies durrr". you know that feeling you get? yeah... that's how an R33 makes me feel. an R33 GTR is that same chick with a paperbag over her head.
  5. lol we're beta testing v3 of the forums that should make it a lot easier to access SAU on mobiles. no tapatalk
  6. the only decent poopra on earth: all other poopras are instafails.
  7. lol yeah sold up the business, jak still pays rent tho they also paid for the shittonne of spare parts we had in there.
  8. the mechanic from driftline Monty works at chasers now. divided. I should go to Jak cos well, it's the old stomping ground, but then Monty knows his shit, and Kamikaze's on my side of town. decisions. decisions.
  9. http://www.abc.net.au/tv/wideopenroad/your_story.htm
  10. is your moms gonna be shotgunning so you can drive on the cruise?
  11. kegs or GTFO.
  12. you were sounding cool and shit up until this point.
  13. use your mum's tampon you cock juggling thundercunt.
  14. use a fuckin sock you muppet. and no.
  15. maybe later... for now: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:zSMhB5R...012.jpg&t=1 inspiration:
  16. anyone know any aluminium welders? need to get a custom roof rack made up for the golf. with an aluminium basket frame and birch slats for a base... so I can strap a keg and a christmas tree and a moose carcass onto. with a cargo net.
  17. you know how I know you're gay a realestate agent? fucked if I know, came with the house, I just cut n polished.
  18. Overnight parts from the US yo! airbags yo! full engine and suspension refresh yo!
  19. I should check what boost I run with the HKS actuator. From memory it was about 14psi.
  20. aren't you just gonna get pwnd again anyway? stick to stock mr under-the-radar-track-day-specialist.
  21. well going the way it does, it'll only be a matter of time before everyone in VIC is a hoon according to the pollies. can't blame the cops, they're not the ones that make up the laws. blame the people you've elected into state government, who are clearly passing bills to appease joe public by scapegoating. "we're spending $600,000 p/a on making our roads safer... by labelling people as hoons." "hoons" unfortunately cop it as they are the ones people notice on the road. you can't tell a mass murderer or petty thief from a normal person, but you sure as hell can tell a loud or brightly coloured car. knee jerk reaction politics. find the largest brightest target, do something about it, even if it doesn't solve the actual problem, and people will think you've revolutionised the system. gets you re-elected.
  22. motorbike helmet. you'll like a complete idiot with pushbike helmet on.
  23. it's just light grey metallic. calm down.
  24. colour is on your build plate retard, get the code and google it. they all have "finned" diffs, non GTR's have smaller fins. Brakes are the same as R32 GTSt.
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