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Everything posted by funkymonkey

  1. bendy straw + chewing gum did the trick for me when fishing for dropped bulbs. I got all McGuyver on that ass.
  2. I mince my own meat and make my own patties. best. shit. ever. Huge difference between mince from butchers and a cut of meat that you mince freshly.
  3. wheels are smoking on the wrong end.
  4. have two cars, one for economy, one for go. golf just cracked 650km on a full tank (50L). w00t.
  5. oh. take the spoiler off. cleeeen looks best on cef's.
  6. nah gotta get rid of the S14 and the ceffy, spend some of that money on paint for the R32 and do some work on the golf. That said, if I find a genuine autech kit, I'll happily convert the cef to manual and keep drivin it till the wheels fall off. Shit I might just put the S14 engine and suspension on the ceffy n get rid of the S14 shell cheap.
  7. wtf is that shit on your boot. also... your number plate is Burn 86? lol driftbattling hachi's are we?
  8. more importantly wtf do you do with 10tb of movies. don't give me this shit about sharing em with your mates. if you have 10tb of movies you don't have mates.
  9. go nuts. sitting behind a corporate hardware firewall that's supposed to keep out the Russians and the Chinese.
  10. suck my nuts bitch. dir /a-d /s /b > dont-taze-me-bro.txt
  11. you fuckers better start putting your movie listings in txt files and attaching them to posts or I'll edit your posts once you're done.
  12. haha someone offered you 5g's for some old ass Impuls and you said no? lol.
  13. silk screening? thermal transfer?
  14. golf's almost at 100,000kms as well. time for a major service.
  15. looks like I might be in Korea for new years.
  16. still runs like a bitch though, the CAM timing's off so it splutters and chokes. Need to get it to a mechanic to get it sorted. Actually might do that next weekend. If I fix it, I'll sell it tho lol cos I've got too many cars now.
  17. minus the gnargoyle bn kit
  18. pwnd hard. thought you road rego'd track day car was stealth?
  19. this. also fishtank clear tubing over nipple into waterbottle to catch the shit and inspect for bubbles.
  20. Also bumped this thread cos there's no ceffy spotted threads. :\
  21. Spotted an exact replica of my ceffy in Dan_J's driveway. lol did a double take and almost crashed into your neighbour's car that was parked out the front.
  22. muhahaha met with Rhys to get him started on my tattoo design. wooooot. some of his work: trick's gonna be to get the irezumi to have proper colouring on dark skin, but he reckons if we stick to "deep jewel tones" in the shading we should be able to pull it off.
  23. want... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...em=170512797998 17mpg on diesel lol bargain for $12k USD though, and eligible for 15 year import
  24. some of em are straight out ridden with AIDS though.
  25. wtf is car town? its not like that farmville shit issit?
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