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Everything posted by funkymonkey

  1. my dick feels better in a nice warm vagina. it doesn't mean I walk around all day with a woman hanging off my hips.
  2. so you want a boxer engine in a VW body hey? Have you heard of a Porsche?
  3. with AWD understeer?
  4. thought you guys had an apartment in suburbia? how on earth does that cost $1500 a month, or is that the goin rate these days? also...
  5. $1500 a month in rent? you nga's need to buy a house and stop wasting money.
  6. try putting a gauge on your vacuum line instead of relying on a flakey electronic one.
  7. hamish... number plate needs to be modded to say WOW-747 and somehow fit a uleh in there somewhere.
  8. this is why... a 4 week holiday for most of us is a trip out of this country.
  9. had kfc hot n spicy 3 piece on sunday night. got the runs all day monday. body's not used to that shit anymore.
  10. GTS-4's still rock all the GTSt's heavier body panels too. Some of the suspension links are heavier, the brake system is completely out of a GTSt (from brake booster through to hoses and calipers) and not a GTR.
  11. cut. back. on. kfc.
  12. i had way more spare dosh when I was at uni to mod my car. now it's all spent on women, toys/gadgets, drugs, mortgage, a dog, parking fines and holidays. in uni i worked part time and spent almost all of it on rent and modding the car. i think its more after you get a fulltime job you realise there's more to life cos you got more money to spend.
  13. jizzy clearly sells pics of himself to old kents on the internet pretending to be an underage girl.
  14. chad buy my s14 running shell... all the conversion parts you need plus spare SR20 pawn the rest off on NS for instant profit. 5g's.
  15. look chris, I'm just here to solve problems... not implement them. jeez.
  16. don't they just cast them in concrete held together with straws, hopes and dreams anyways? just tell em to get their mud sculptor specialist on overtime. lol j/k.
  17. mine looks like a sack of shit, but FWIW, it rocks a kaaz 1 way in front, and 1.5 in the back, HKS 2530 strapped to a stockish RB20, the usual intake and exhaust mods, OS giken twin plate, nismo suspension link kit, and body panels in 6 different colours. all quite sedate. used to be my daily driver, but now it's been relegated to workshop tool resting duties... will probably drop in an RB30 and add an extra 2530 for giggles down the track if I don't sell it, or crash it head first into a wall at winton.
  18. centreline resell for fulcrum. fulcrum are oz distro's for tein.
  19. could just use the tein distributors for oz. They're based in Thomastown and do full rebuilds using genuin tein parts. they also reco other brands too.
  20. i swear it would be a godsend if nga's had to take an IQ test before being allowed to own a turbo car.
  21. haha me > all the mr2 forum pundits and your mates on facebook. and all I went off was 2 crappy photos!
  22. maybe, i dunno. i'm bad with faces and names. esp curries. they all look the same.
  23. so you didn't get that limited edition model you were after? or is that the one? i'm guessing its the last one with the flares?
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