The increase in fines has been a long time coming. Im surprised they have only just come in honestly. What i am most surprised about is the lack of media coverage on this issue. Surely you would assume as this does not only affect the import scene but every driver this would of hit the news at evey chance.
But as it has been said and whinged about in numerous topics this only adds to the restrictions for us on the road so that we can still be seen as the scapegoat for the demise of the road safety, standards and the high mortality rate on our roads. Soon it will become impossible of even enjoying the much loved past time of the import scene.
Can you imagine when double demerits comes in with this. 1st of Jan, with DD. Oh boy
Driver training and understanding of the vehicle ftw! Put every P plater into a near death situation and they will learn their car is not a tank nor are they capable of contolling it in compromising situations.