this is beside the point to me, the part that annoys me about the multanovas is the amount of accuracy they are set for. Going 5 kms over the speed limit on an 80kmph road is really slim pickings on the grounds of speeding. Additionally that cameras fail the ability to make their own judgement. You may be overtaking a car that is going 70 kms in an 80km zone, once you have passed the car you do not immediately change back into their lane, you get a bit of distance ahead first for a safe re-entry. If a camera catches you at that point, good luck explaining that one. So anything else to give them an advantage to make money in this situation is wrong.
On top of that, who says that speeding above anything that the roads department sets as a speed limit is life threatening? I feel that some areas speed limit is getting way too slow (eg. leach hwy (changed to 70 for what?), narrows bridge heading south (still 60 kmph?!?)
In the end i dont really care . i never look at the speed camera locations anyway its all a big distraction that keeps you looking between trees on the side of a road rather than on the road...whether you are speeding or not.
If I had lost someone to an accident due to speeding, i would know one thing, the multanova wasnt there to stop the driver, the most it would have done is displayed its pretty light at him/her. Maybe a patrol car could have done more?