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    Fort Collins, CO, USA
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    cars, computers, photography, sql databases, pwning n00bs.

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    '04 turbo SE-R Spec-V
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  1. eh, yeah, that's not what i really asked, heh. i know about the ballbearing garret cartidges, but it seems like shelling about $700 out for that i could find something from the stock turbos that fits, wishful thinking i guess. i'm just looking for cheap options to replace the turbo or go up/down a size of cheaply-available turbos. yeah, it's a qr25de. the long stroke 4 cylinder, 57 works nicely, once it spools, it's fine. external wastegate here, hence the desire to keep my housing, most of smaller T3/t04 hybrids i find are in .48 with integral gate,and i don't want to redo too much of my exhaust hardware. as far as the pressure thing goes, i say 10 psi sea level because that's what my datalogger/wbo2 displays (zt2) , it uses a uncorrected map sensor (3.5bar aem), and just gives me raw voltage to 0-350kpa in PSI my boost gauge/boost controlelr show relative pressure.
  2. i guess the question now is will a turbine wheel meant for a t3 .43 a/r fit into a t3 .63 a/r, as long as the chra is t3 ? for ex i have a t3 .63 and i buy another turbo with a .48 a/r, will that fit into my .63 a/r that's already bolted to the manifold/downpipe ?
  3. no skyline here, but a nissan none-the-less. i guess the first question is whether an rb25det turbo is made by garrett, my whole idea depends on this. my current setup is a qr25de-t engine with a garrett t3/t04e 57 trim .63 exh .6comp (pics available) what i'm wondering is if I get a stock rb25det turbo, if that will fit into a t3 .63 a/r exhaust housing. reason i'm looking to do this is because my t3/t04 setup is rather laggy, i hit about 13 psi at my altitude by like 3700 rpm (6200 redline), so i'd like to try something (cheap is the keyword here) that spools a tad quicker (ballbearings from what i understand) but i don't want to touch my exhaust setup (4bolt vs 5bolt with internal wastegate). also, as far as compressor flow map, is there a name for this stock rb25det turbo, or a more known turbo which i could find a compressor map for mapping the flow and efficiency with my engine. i'm looking to run the turbo at around 2.0 PR (i'm at 5000 feet elevation, so i need the 2.0 PR to make around 10 sea level psi max) from what i hear, the rb25det stock turbo has ceramic turbine wheel, how far have people pushed this without completely destroying them ?
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