Hi all just wanted some opinions....
Tonight i installed a HKS SSQV in my rx7 and the piece of shit doesn't work. I welded on the flange to the pipe, put the o-ring in the flange, put the bov over it and put in the cir clip. T-Pieced the vacuum line off the FPR. Thought sweet no worries... Took it for a drive and low and behold massive turbo flutter just like before. Thought no worries ive stuffed something, probably vacuum, pulled off the vacuum line to the bov and could feel/hear the suction. I thought It was probably stuck shut form living on my shelf for three months. Pulled it all off, put a screw driver in and pushed the second stage all the way open, then put another screw driver in and pushed the 1st stage open as well. Thought to myself yep i think it was stuck because i herd that cracking noise when a seal hasn't opened in a while.
Put it all back together took it for another drive on 6psi, no bov sound all flutter, changed to 14psi same again.
Got the shits, picked up my ball and bat and went home
that and the sun went down
So my questions are:
how do i bench test the ssqv?
does it need to see vacuum like a normal bov or does it magically just need positive pressure for the reference?
how the bloody hell does it work? i cant work out how it could ever overcome the pipe pressure to open?
Thanks Acea