ok some f**King asshole has stolen my sub and amp out of the hyundai, smashed the
cd player in the commodore and stolen the sub box and 6x9's out of Amandas (pokies)
if i find out who done it im going to bloody kick their f**King ass...
if someone sees a 12" sony xplode sub in a small sealed box and a
SAINTusa 2 channel amp (shouldnt be too hard to find as there isnt many around)
and a pink/purple fluffy box with red 6X9's could you let me know...
these people f**k me off... its been done in the last 30mins in day light
will put up picks of whats missing in a minute
i can't do it on the jan 6-7 weekend coz i'm having my b'day
bbq that weekend
p.s any1 wanna to come to that is welcome
not fussed on where or if it's tents or cabins
i'd be in for this, youse can camp and i'll stay at my grandad's
as long as this isn't happening around the start of January
coz i have my b'day then and yeah.
camping will be a new experience for me, so i'll be looking
forward to it