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Everything posted by pokie

  1. yeah apparently it's $5 for spectators this monday
  2. hmm i've seen a jap horror movie was called "The Eye" it was wikid as,this chick is blind and they operate on her eyes and give her some new eyes for some1 that could see people die b4 it actually happened, very cooooool. haven't seen there versions of The Ring, i find the american one boring *yawn* and i haven't seen The Grudge yet
  3. LMFAO, everytime i read about your brother and the axe i just have to laugh and it hurts so bad, my ribs need to recover
  4. lies all lies
  5. got my 1st RBT done last night IF i was driving i'd lose my license for 12months and get a $1000 fine
  6. hey, i'm Amanda, and since i'm awake at this weird hour i shall welcome you hope you enjoy the forum as much as every1 else
  7. ahahaha i love Child's Play and the sequals, they're heaps funny Seed Of Chucky was funny as. LOL @ your brother chasing ya cousins with an axe, that would've been hilarious ewwww dude, come on, theres waaaaaaaaaaay better out there like um Jenna Jameson
  8. so watch the other channels that don't have it or watch SBS, they have the SANFL on AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  9. wooty woot AFL 2moro nite i'm sooooo bored
  10. seen the pics they look awesome and i also noticed i'm not in any of em so i'm happy about that
  11. nah haven't seen that YET, but i plan to isn't Paris Hilton in it?? if she is i hope i get to see her in pain she is soooooo annoying
  12. i believe next friday is the 3rd
  13. um is italian wog?? it's a serious question (this could be one of my blonde moments)
  14. if your parents were born here then how are you half italian aswel as wog??
  15. and i told you i didn't do history LOL i guess your wog/aussie
  16. no, but you don't need to be an aboriginal to be aussie
  17. i'm not wog, i'm aussie :P
  18. omg i know, very prettyful
  19. omg i know i love horror movies, there like comedies to me i dunno why but i think it's funny seein people get tortured while being alive (in movies of course) Hostel is in cinemas now, wooot gonna go see it next Friday (i hope) can't wait
  20. no i wouldn't have walked there, i would've got him to pick me up LOL but then i wouldn't have been happy there, no boost juice ahahaha as if you could leave me behind, i'm such a nice person
  21. ahahahahaha *smiles innocently* could've left me there i could've walked to my grandad's, stayed there till next month then go home oh i'd comment on the pics but i can't see em' coz i'm on a crappy computer <_<
  22. pokie


    somethin tells me she already knows
  23. if i meant that hockey i would've said "ice hockey" but then theres also "roller hockey" i think thats what it's called i've played ice hockey, but without the ice LOL
  24. yeah i got hit the head with a hockey ball, but i kept playing ahaha was kinda funny coz i was the only girl in the team ehehehe your poor inner thighs, that musta hurt alot, but it's pretty funny(sorry) and i think you mean Ryan Fritzgerald(sp) aka Fitzy ewwwwwwwwwww your such a girl ehehehe(jks)
  25. your my fav person
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