got all 5 disc's
hmmm just curious, does any1 here like horror movies?
i love em, oh so can't wait for Hostel to come out
shuld be awesome, seeing a person get there toe chopped off
with a pair of garden plier things
i forgot to put down Family Guy and King Of The Hill
oh and Full House (have it on DVD )
oh and that old series V, also got that on DVD
it's wikid, gotta love them aliens
EDIT: forgot South Park
i'm not to keen on the piantball idea, i don't like go-karts
always end up hurting myself on them, and jet skiing um
yeah never been on one, but i'm sure i'll hurt myself on it LOL
shouldn't have to go to regency coz he's atleast 3-4hrs away
from there, whichever cop did it is a f*ker, maybe take ya
piece of paper to the cop station down there and see if they'll
change it, coz distance reasons
as if you have to go to regency, your hours away from
there, wouldn't it be a cop shop look over thing coz your
like aaaaaaaaaagggeeesss away from regency??