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Everything posted by pokie

  1. what why am i a crack up his car is drool-worthy
  2. ahahahahaha, why'd ya leave?? i wasn't there to see how the hills run went but yeah people thought it was "sik"
  3. :wavey: i want a PM
  4. as if it was dirty, if it was i don't think i would've cared too much coz i was too busy trying not to drool everywhere LOL
  5. spotted Madaz parked on my side street omg i got go for a drive it in omg
  6. PM sent also just found out they're not leaving at 8.30pm they're leaving at 9pm. anyone else interested in comin?
  7. yeah i can't wait for the cruise, haven't been on a cruise for aaaaaaggggggggeeeeeeeessssssss
  8. pokie

    Hey All

    how bout a giveaway
  9. if post whoring is "so yesterday" then why post in here <_<
  10. pokie

    Hey All

    yeah i tried to get an R31 for $1500 but my parents wouldn't let me, but that's ok coz i'll have some sort of car one day LOL
  11. so yeah how bout this cruise only 1wk and a bit away very exciting stuff
  12. PM's sent if anyone else is interested let me know
  13. forgot jason hadn't logged out of his account.
  14. pokie

    Hey All

  15. oooooooooooh so that report button thing is a warning device
  16. pokie

    New Baby

    OMG i use to live in the barossa
  17. pokie

    New Baby

    nice car, looks way better then mine
  18. there is?? where or do you mean like a warning warning (forgive me for having a blonde moment )
  19. HOTNESS (wheres the "off topic" icon <_< )
  20. stop picking on me, i'm just a helpless litte girl yeah cruise should be good (i may be very tired and still a bit drunk from the SAFM skyshow and celebrating my friends 20th the night b4.)
  21. he's not up himself like vin diesel
  22. bite your tongue i'm not posting my pic up EVER hmm also i'm startin to get confused, is the cruise heading up north or down south??
  23. i catch public transport all the time when i've been drinking, oh i won't be recovering that much coz yeah i don't get hangovers 8.30 eh, i'd have to leave about 7am LOL
  24. oh god how ealy are we talkin?? coz i'm goin to the skyshow night b4 the cruise and yeah i'll be parrow, but i should be able to handle the church thing, haven't been for a couple of years um which church is it??
  25. what are these varibles that have to be met??
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