i give up, to much dribble in here. I am sure no one cares why you choose your NA except the thread starter... if you cant take a bit of stic for your na with out having a whinge and writing a 400 word essay on your rather strange take on motor sport, get a councilor.
I come from and era when a turbo was a joke and NA v8s were the sheep car.. i have spent 18 years in turbo’s now coping bad crap in the start for my huffer going back before r32's and FF were invented. I can tell you straight eug you’re making things up about things you don’t understand.
In the 80's it was turbo’s blow up, to much lag, bearings wear out, Australia is to harsh, never beat a V8 etc etc. All complete BS!!! Now after years of first ignorance and then later results it has been proven to be one of the most efficient ways of making power thu results and refinements
The points are as stated
NA Factory> good to learn in, fairly instant response governed by cam specs and better fuel economy. You get the same car although slightly not as factory strengthened as a turbo release in certain area’s> brakes, drivelines, fuel systems.
Turbo factory> Faster, adjustable power, perpetual motion system and a much wider scope if you possess the understanding
I know what I would rather take up a hill or round a track….. a beautiful loading turbo or a na of the same kilowatt that I have to ring to get its cam range on power…. This is where a turbo comes into its own and cancels anything you claim will slow it down ie lag which is only ever a take off or driver problem.