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Everything posted by boosted22

  1. Howdy again guys, just got back from hoildays so been a bit quite here, any way had a power fc fitted and tuned at boostworx, spun up 192.7 kw at the wheels, he rekons the center muffler and dump pipe is still restristing it a little, but this will do me for now, seems like a preety decent bloke. pointed out a few things with the car etc, but yer preety happy. by the way what happened with the fours - six - rotarys nats, was it canceled, havent heard any thing about it.
  3. i will defiently suss it all out first thing before i go tomorrow, let u s know when im back in whyalla, catchen up with me brothers at the moment gonna get tanked, tryed to get the missus a pressy before, dam porn shops all shut, was gonna get her a 8-9 incher, any way let yous know what happens.
  4. thanks mate, yer nothing makes sense to me, when i rang regency, the bloke said everything is ok to them, and the car yard showed me a report from them with everything being ok, i even rang the rego place asked them if the car is regersted as a turbo and she said it doesnt matter to them its not gonna show up on there computers ? , they didnt even pick up on the brakes, but they said if it does have the origianal brakes from the non turbo then it isnt legal, and all the lady from consumers said is, there only to fix the problem of not being road worthy, yer the missus said something about the cooling of period but shes not 100% on what goes on there, im pissed about the whole deal, they have ripped me and got away with it really, but theres no profe of them advertising it as a gts-t, they could simple make up a new advert like they had in the window when selling it, just would like to get a word out to guys not to buy from them, there a$$ holes, if i didnt like the car so much i would go nuts about the whole deal but i dont think i will get any were, had the car two weeks exactly friday.
  5. yer its crazy, very p#$$%@ about it, went to the car yard this morning, had a big arguement, first thing he offered me was 1000 bucks to just leave it like that, no ones gonna know he said as long as u can live with it, i said your an idiot its not legal, then hes like yer we can fix the problem all we need to do is change the front rotors to vented ones, i said what about the blody calipers, there on 2 piston not 4, oh yer i guess we can fix that will just need to do the front because the back doesnt need to be vented disc, but i tried to explain about studd patteren, was just getting no were, then i asked him about the wheels i brought, oh nah we cant give your money back for that wasnt our falt u brought them, i said what wheels are you gonna put on it whens its 5 studd, he said nah i would have to do that as well, i just said f@#$ u and walked off, came back to me nannas house and rang consumer affairs, but they were no help, i should of ask them when i brought the car if it was all genuine or not, what a load of shit, hows gonna think a 96 skyline straight from the imports would not be a genuine one, she said theres nothing i can do, i should of check first, all there liable is to fix the brakes, she said the wheels are me problem because they werent to know. its crap.
  6. ar crap yer forgot, to adjust the over boost still et preety low, that would of been stoping it any way, (idiot) oh well will give it another go tomorrow.
  7. ok just went for a spin out on the old knob high way messing around with set point one i tryed seting it at 20 with a gate pressure of 20, and then 30 with a gate pressure 30, done a few 1st and 2nd gear rolling take offs, evry time i booted it, it would still only get up to around 7.2 was the highest, but every time i changed gears, and flanted it again i would get a sudden boost spike to around 9 some times 10 but would drop straight away to 7 or lower. had the sensitvity high as well. dam thing would all ways crunch a little into 4th and 5th and back into 4th, at revs its ok around town driving or cruzzen.
  8. nah sorry bloke what dyno sheet
  9. she has 102 on the clock
  10. yer got the big show down with the car yard tomorrow, gonna ring them, see what they got to say and offer, if its not good enough will take it further, gonna be down wednesday morning anyway, i will let yous know what they got to say tomorrow, cheers for all the feed back tho.
  11. cheers, il have another go at it, yer its a bit bloody tecnical for first timers like me self, gate pressure, sensitivity, heaps of stuff to mess with, but il keep at it, even when i reset it all and set sp1 at 10psi, still couldnt get over 7psi, checked the hook p three times now all looks right but will check once more just in case.
  12. theres only the one hose on there straight from the turbos wastegate to to eboost solinoid, is that what i ned to be looking at.
  13. howdy, i recently installed a turbosmart eboost, but i cant seem to boost over 7psi, the guage runs three adjustable set points, which i have set at 1-7psi 2-10psi 3-13psi, i run the eboost soildnoid straight of the trubos wastegate, so there shouldnt been any factory boost cut out stoping it should there, any suggestions.
  14. yer thats awsome bloke should be a killer.
  15. yer im pretty happy with the car other than the fact its a non turbo from factory, it still has all the features, if they are willing to replace all the brakes and hubs, with proper turbo set up, and give me my cash back i just wasted in buying the 4 studd rims and tyres, my main concern is the motor, is it a genuine turbo motor which was changed before coming to australia, making the engine ok with regecy now, or have all they done is put a turbo on this motor, maybe a thick gasket to help or something, but u wouldnt think a stock motor would last to long would it, its only running 7psi.
  16. i have noticed a few skyilines getting around whyalla now, about 4 r33 and a r32, a few for little town anyway.
  17. As I mature I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in. I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just assholes. I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and it only takes suspicion, not proof, to destroy it. I've learned that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that, you'd better have a big willy or huge boobs. I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to others - they are more screwed up than you think. I've learned that you can keep vomiting long after you think you're finished. I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, unless we are celebrities. I've learned that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades, and there had better be a lot of money to take its place! I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon and all the less important ones just never go away. Pass this along to friends...trust me, they'll appreciate it. Who knows, maybe Something good will happen. If not...tough shit.
  18. $17500 didnt think that was to bad at the time what i thought it was for a 96 gts-t 2. yer i hate crap like that, having to go hassell them working out a deal etc.
  19. couple of jokes and few funny pics for yas. The Dam > > An elderly man in Queensland had owned a large property for several years. > He had a dam in one of the lower paddocks where he had planted mango > and avocado trees. > The dam had been fixed up for swimming when it was built and he also > had some picnic tables placed there in the shade of the fruit trees. > One evening the old farmer decided to go down to the dam to look it > over, as he hadn't been there for a while. > He grabbed a ten litre bucket to bring back some fruit. > As he neared the dam, he heard voices shouting and laughing with glee. > As he came closer he saw it was a bunch of young women skinny-dipping > in his dam. > He made the women aware of his presence and they all went to the deep end. > > One of the women shouted to him, "We're not coming out until you leave!" > > The old man frowned, "I didn't come down here to watch you ladies swim > naked or make you get out of the dam naked." > > Holding the bucket up he said, "I'm here to feed the crocodile." > > Moral: Old men may walk slow, but they can still think fast.
  20. yer cheers dc rang them today, but they have gone away to sydney for sprint cars or something got to ring up monday, i have taken a few days off work anyway, and im gonna be down there wednesday morning to see them. try sort stuff out.
  21. yer hope fully its a turbo motor, just waiting for the car yard to come up with a sulloution and gonna go from there. cheers for the help tho guys,
  22. thanks mate, was trying to tell my self it was a genuine, but all the clues add up, brakes and hubs, no boost in the dash, guess thats why it has a after market fuel pump, i think the diff is a one wheel r, not100% will go out tonight and check, just cant work out the engine tho, regency doesnt have any records of a change, told me engine all matches up, only thing i can come up with is that is is a non turbo engine just with the turbo gear on it, maniflod turbo etc. are they much different. bloody hell. give me the shits a bit, but i do like the car.
  23. whats your brothers name bloke, im up vicount slim way, near the footy oval.
  24. theres a blue plate on the firewall, mostly in japanese- reads vin-ER33-052113 or the rego paper vin-6T91MPR0TT15PL015, NO BOOST IN DASH ANYWARE
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