howdy fellas, just wanted to introduce me self, me names phill, first time on the site, i just brought a 96 r33, absoulate owsome, preety impressed with the way they go, i had a ba turbo wich i sold about one n half years ago, great to be back in a car with some balls, shity old van was starting to have its toll. i was just wondering if some one could help me, i have just put on a turbosmart eboost series one guage, after messing around with dialling it in, it runs three set points to choose from ( stages ) i set 1 at 7psi 2 at 10 psi 3 at 13 psi, when i was driving around i switched two setppoint 2 10 psi but when i gassed it i just couldnt get over 7psi, i wipped the eboost and just set set point 1 at 10psi but still no go, 7.2 psi was the most i could get from it, the motors stock apart from a front mount and blow of valve, what are the factory wastegate springs, would this be why i cant get any more if the waste gate is only 7psi, also i just brought a set of mags for it as well, when i went to try the set on i like we poped the cap of the other mag and it was only 4 studd the dude at the shop said turbo models only came out with 5 studd, and non turbo 4, but the car is a gts-t model, some other fella there saidnah the turbos do come out with 4studd and small brakes, on the early model, when i brought it they told me its a late model series 2, any ideas what the go is, and the fuel pump is fairly noise, buzzes away fairly loud is that normal. go guys cheers for your time.