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Everything posted by boosted22

  1. nah it had a speco boost gauge with turbo smart manual boost adjuster, which i removed for me eboost guage.
  2. spwein gonna miss this years one, i go on holiday for two weeks on the 21, dam.
  3. i blam god, if he only bleesd me with a big knob, i could of had the best carer making moives with big, well u know what i mean, dont wont to sound like a pig, now im stuck driving a crane, but it does paywell.
  4. f$@& im pissed just spoke to regency, no help at all, theres nothing on there computers about the car ever been put in for a engine transplant, engine matches up all ok with the body as standard never mod, i rang two importers both said they have never ever seen a gts-t wth 4 studd, said it must be a non turbo converted, and said yer probley wouldnt be legal, i rang the caryard, and they said its defeintly a genuine gts-t they think some one has swaped brakes over. there happy to upgrade the brakes, but i said what about the rims just put 1800 of rims and tyres, there gonna ring the tyre place and see if they can do a deal there. just dont know what to think, theres no trace from regency about it been modified or anything, has all the features off a gts-t badges, standad twin airbags, unless the brakes have been swaped before traded in. i have only had it for 5 days now and im really happy with the car ( shit if it had a nice wet hole i wouldnt even need to go in side the house) haha , so if there gonna uprade the brakes and fix the rims up, might just leave it at that, and stop thinking about it.
  5. nah your spot on, gonna ring them today, yer the dude told me they get there cars checked over by regency, and a 100 point check from there mechanic just to make sure there 100%, full of crap, like you said the they put bigger brakes on the turbos for a reason. so will defeintly inquire about it. im preety pissed as it is if i have just paid this much for a mock up turbo not a genuine.
  6. yep greeny one i think still there.
  7. i put the wheels on my self, went straight from the car yard two the wheel shop, the car yard had the car inspected by regency before it was sold, they never said anything, or done anything about it been 4 studd turbo.
  8. howdy all, could some one explain to me the boost cut out, and how to get around it, when i brought the car it had a turbo smart manaual adjustable boost under the bonnet it ran straight from the turbos waist gate to the adjuster, i have now put on a turbosmart eboost, in the same way hose from the wastegate to the turbosmart solenoid etc, but still wont boost over 7psi, any suggections, that would be great.
  9. put some pics for yas to check out, not to sure what to make off it, theres no way a late 96 model turbo came out with 4 studd, but it is defiently a 96 model, has two airbags, did non turbos come with two air bags, was it a option for them maybe, ohh well got the thing now, like i said i love it, and im preety happy with it apart from not nowing thats all. any check it out let me know what u think.
  10. yer sweet mate once i can comfirm its a genuine turbo, not a mock up one.
  11. nah im from whyalla 4rs from adelaide, came back straight away saty night after i got the car.
  12. as for the boost it had a turbo smart manual boost controler, straight off the waist gate, thats were i put the eboost soleniod.
  13. brought the car from road style motors on north east road, if any one knows it, white gtr body kit.
  14. has red badges on the side what do i need for some one to run that check, vin number or something, will take a cuple pics off the id plates, as a blue one on the back fire wall, and a green one on the shock tower, this ones just reads skyline ss 96model 2dr 5seater or something like that. will get a few pics tomorrow, chees anyway.
  15. thanks mate just tring to find as i just brought the car on the weekend from a caryard in adelaide, they advertised 96 r33 series 2 turbo, be a bit pissed if its only a bitsa, all badges removed exept a gt badge on the guards. its has dual airbags, will get the vin numbers up tomorrow may be some one could check up for me, hell i could dress up in the missus clothes and pre tend im a sexy big boob chick, if some one likes ( hahah )
  16. yer sorry was in a bit of a rush, mines 4 studd, how do you over ride the boost cut out, whats the max boost to run on a standard motor and turbo.
  17. howdy fellas, just wanted to introduce me self, me names phill, first time on the site, i just brought a 96 r33, absoulate owsome, preety impressed with the way they go, i had a ba turbo wich i sold about one n half years ago, great to be back in a car with some balls, shity old van was starting to have its toll. i was just wondering if some one could help me, i have just put on a turbosmart eboost series one guage, after messing around with dialling it in, it runs three set points to choose from ( stages ) i set 1 at 7psi 2 at 10 psi 3 at 13 psi, when i was driving around i switched two setppoint 2 10 psi but when i gassed it i just couldnt get over 7psi, i wipped the eboost and just set set point 1 at 10psi but still no go, 7.2 psi was the most i could get from it, the motors stock apart from a front mount and blow of valve, what are the factory wastegate springs, would this be why i cant get any more if the waste gate is only 7psi, also i just brought a set of mags for it as well, when i went to try the set on i like we poped the cap of the other mag and it was only 4 studd the dude at the shop said turbo models only came out with 5 studd, and non turbo 4, but the car is a gts-t model, some other fella there saidnah the turbos do come out with 4studd and small brakes, on the early model, when i brought it they told me its a late model series 2, any ideas what the go is, and the fuel pump is fairly noise, buzzes away fairly loud is that normal. go guys cheers for your time.
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