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Everything posted by REDGTT

  1. With a kiss and cuddle from me to you! I think that you love me too!
  2. Yeah some asian guy ownes it. He actually lives around Canley Area. Usually around the station in the arvo to pick up his gf at the train station. I always drive past on the way to the gym and we give each other dirty looks.
  3. They were scared. hahaha did you see the looks on their faces hahaha. It was so funny when we were there. We were just talking about Sleepers and then they drove through at the right time. hahaha
  4. Hahahah I couldnt of had a better times guys! Damn it was great! Nick! Aight I have a nother great placed lined up for us all! Tosh You drive like a grandma. I had to spank you along. hahahah I couldnt stop laughing when Tosh was trying to do the Team Northside and Team Southside Signal while sitting in thego cart hahahaha.
  5. pics are here also Courtesy of the Mark (Tactic) http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/terpal/012503/
  6. with all the cars parked we almost filled up the whole of Ware Street! Honestly it was a damn great night and everybody agreed!
  7. Another Ware street Shot
  8. Mario (Infected Flow) being a drunk bum Sleeping in Ware Street in Fairfield across from the brothel
  9. not even half of the TeamWestside Cars!
  10. I had the mbest time of my life. 40 cars turned up All of us had a great time chatting at Burger King and took a great Group Shot! I managed to hand out the forms for the membership. I collected up to 65 dollars in donations. Would of been more if the Pizza place was still open. Because I was planning on collecting there. After Bk we all cruised to Eastern Creek Go Carts! What a Great drive that was too.Never had so much fun! I ran Tosh (Ronin) off the road too hahahah sucked in Then After go carts All went to roches in Liverpool where they all hanged out till 3:30am! WOW what a great Team Westside SAU night!!!! Well done and thanks for everyone who showed up. You made it a great one! I am waiting for Ed to come online to post up the group pic!
  11. Allan you are welcome to meet up with us again this sat night at 8pm at BK. Bring the vaseline ok. I want to introduce you to sum of the boys
  12. BIg Vis come to The sat meet this sat at BK. There is a thread in events!
  13. why Jimbo?LOL
  14. Babs are you shy? Why is your writing so small? Suggesting that you are whispering ? LOL
  15. Yep they are all going! The day one for me and a few others is abit too hot! After carting we might head back to Fairfield for Pizza.
  16. Jonny Bring yourself and friends too ok!!!!
  17. Donnie. You know what I will do If I ever find the Two junkies driving it. God help them.
  18. Westside! We meet at Buger King now Diabolik. Maccas is too full. and nah police usually leave people alone.
  19. Eric your on! then! I am go Carting bitch!
  20. Who makes Loz walk like a Duck? Why is Ryan such a schmuck? And who likes to get a good nice friend? We DOOOOOOOOOO! We DOOOOOOOOOOO! :lol:
  21. Yeah ok no worries then Mr I am too good for you all. Been hanging around FeelDg hey? hahaha
  22. OH REMEMBER! Double Demerits This long weekend so take it Easy. So here are the plans to update people on Meet at BK at 8pm LOL Then have chit chat and jokes and have a great time as every westside meetup is about. Hand out the Membership forms for SAU. Then drive to EC for go carting. Its dear so you can just watch if you want too. Then off to Fairfield to a Nice view Carpark for Group and Car pics. And maybe Pizza at the same joint as last time!
  23. Hahahah I reckon! Badly too! :lol:
  24. Danny! why dont you post anymore? Hey you gonna be there this sat night?
  25. Stupid Links. hahah I gib up!
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