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well yeah, the cameras are being installed for both staff and public safety - a lot of drug deals go down at night time not only by this guy, but other ppl too.....and the lake behind the office having no lights, makes it just ideal for it to take place.
So sunday i went into work right, and turns out we have been having some issues with the next door residents who are renting near the office. They keep parking in our private carpark at night, and a few times even scratched a couple of my collegue's cars. So one of the girls working, decided to park across 2 spots, and they left a very very nasty note - basically calling her a c**t and being abusive on the note. So the sales manager left a well worded note saying that this is a private carpark, and that we would appreciate them not parking over night etc. So these guys basically put the note back on the sales managers car. This tennis match happened a few times, until the trouble makers had to go somewhere - so the sales manager told one of the sales consultants to park the work ute across the 2 parking spots (when the trouble makers left). As they were leaving, the guy looked directly at me (as my desk is near hte window, and mouthed some words). Anywho, they came back, found that their park was taken, and parked their car a few spaces down. So after the team leaves, i decide to work late - as I had reporting due etc. Went to the toilet, and on the way back i noticed that the guy was waiting outside. Now, these guys deal drugs etc - so i thought he was waiting to do a deal. An hour later he was there still. So i messaged my project director online - and asked her if there has been any trouble and that this guy is just loitering outside the office. She said he will probably go back in soon, but to leave when i can. I wait for a bit - and then decide that he wasnt waiting for me etc. Called my gf, and told her i will meet her at home (as she was going to bring dinner to me). I pack up my stuff, and decide to call the PD again, so that i can atleast talk to her while i get out - and she knwos that im safe. As I am locking the doors, i see out of the corner of my eye that this dude is now walking towards me - so i tell the PD "shit, he is coming towards me" - i turn around and keep talking to her, but also say hi to him. He doesnt say anythign back...until he is literally 1 meter away from me. Tells me to hang up the fone - which i did - cos he had this crazy ass look in his eyes. As soon as I did that, he pretty much unleashed a verbal assault - threats on me, the office, staff etc. He is pretty much 2 or 3 times the size of me, and doesnt look like he has a brain, but he obviously was involved in some nasty shit, as he was saying the cops know him for 25 years and know not to "F**k" with him. Basically he said if i didnt move the work ute, that there is going to be consequences, and that he will start a war. That if i went to hte cops he will start a war - and that he is not afraid to harm us. And actually, for the first time in my life, i actually felt that my own life was in danger...... I have dealt with angry people before, and almost always i am able to calm them down by talking to them, empathising and showing them that i am not against them but to reason with them. This guy was not like that - i felt that one wrong word (i.e if i said this is a private car park) - i would have been on the floor - and he most probably was carrying a weapon too. Anywho, what seemed like 30 mins was actually 6 mins - and for the whole time, this guy was just going nuts, threats and all that bs. The PD called back and she could hear that i was shaken - i told her that he threatned not only me but the office and everything and everyone else in it. But i told her also, that not to call the cops, as that would mean that the whole staff maybe in danger - based on how the law is this guy would be back after getting a fine. It was actually so bad that i had nightmares about the whole incident that night! From the office perspectives, we are now installing cameras, hiring security guards, and no one is to remain alone till late - absolute max is 7.30pm. My question is, why the hell is someone who is a criminal and is still actively dealing drugs (our sales staff has seen him deal with people) - why is this person still free? I could have gotten the cops to escort me out of the office that night, but now i know that tha twould have just ended up very badly - as this guy has no regard for the law. Worse of all - my gf would have come to give me dinner, and this guy would have been outside. See it kind of worries me that the law is not workign - and that the cops are powerless to proceed with enforcing the full extent of the law. My gf who lived in the USA for many years, said the same thing that the sales manager said when she visited the usa - that ppl are actually scared of the cops there, because the cops are allowed to use the full force of the law. So why is it that here its different? And finally - what do you all think i should do - should i report this to the cops and start a "war"? Or should i just let this go, knowing now that there are no issues? Granted i shouldnt be working weekends etc, but maaaaaaaaaaaaaan was an interesting weekend i tells ya!!!! And this was all over parkign in a private car park
bumpski - still for sale new pics soon
why folden - maybe it cane be called "Hord" or Holdord or forden or forlden or hord ....... wait...thats already been said
i want to sell my skyline - and stay away from imports - but here we are - again i see pics of r32 gtrs and im like i want one......... *sigh*
i thought munkyboy suggested that the cruise include white t-shirts and water fights - now, where are those pics dammit!!!
i dunno man....if i was egging a car, and if the driver did that, id be too scared to get out - let alone keep my shit in would be a great way to cleanse the bowels i reckon
i remember talking to a cabbie once - last year when i was drunk at my friends bux weekend - and he was telling me how he actually arms himself (showed me the screw driver that he actually had in his pocket) now because of all the crap that happens to them. was a nice guy though - i told him the world is f**ked, ppl not really respecting other ppl and property etc - told him i understood where he was coming from, and that i would arm myself too if i was him. He was from africa i think - had a good chat with the guy. However, i can understand what you are saying - there was one cabbie - drove fast, had loud music, was drowing red bulls - was crazy mofo. This particular driver - who knows why he lost it - maybe he has been victimised before, maybe he had a bad night, maybe he just washed his cab and was going home tired - but hey, those kids deserved it i reckon - i wouldnt be surprised if they start to become model citizens - if they didnt learn from this lesson - well then they are just idiots arent they?
great cars there - i nearly bought my r33 from them someone mentioned trade in - i might look at that actually - cos no one is buying my r33!!!!!
i remember once at monash - for muck up day, some guys went around throwing eggs at innocent people - one egg got a man in the groin. What did the courts do? got the guy responsible to just pay for court costs and medical bills for the man, and let him off. Really - the laws here are just f**kin stupid - no wonder why young people dont learn shit......no one is scared of the law.
I remember a few months ago someone egged my skyline - so i loled when i read this story. Kudos to the taxi drier (even though he faces charges) - those dip shit teens deserve to shit their pants Check out the comments too!!!! If i ever meet this man - i will surely buying him a round or 2 for what he did. About f**kin time that these punks learn not to be dipshits and damage other peoples property. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/enraged-c...o-1225861089441 ----------------------------- Enraged cabbie attacks youths after egging at Geelong A TAXI driver who savagely attacked a group of youths last night after they egged his cab faces a series of assault charges. The group of five boys were out for the night in Geelong when one of them threw an egg from their car at a passing taxi about 11.30pm. Police claim the taxi driver pursued the boys from Geelong’s CBD into Thompson Rd where he attempted to force the boys from the road by colliding into them. The taxi driver continued after the boys into Hume Reserve carpark where the boys' car blew a tyre after hitting a gutter, coming to a stop. Police believe the taxi driver then crashed into the side of the Holden Astra and jumped out armed with a tyre lever and knife before smashing every window, including the tail lights. The boys aged 16, 17, 18 and 20 from the Geelong area received minor injuries in the attack. The 17-year-old boy from Teesdale, who threw the egg, received a caution from police for discharging a missile. The driver of the taxi, a 41-year-old man from Herne Hill, handed himself into Corio police station and has been interviewed by police. He is expected to be charged on summons with conduct endangering life, assaults, criminal damage and numerous traffic offences. Police are appealing for anyone with information or anyone who may have witnessed the taxi and Holden Astra on the road to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or visit
track car? http://www.pickles.com.au/damaged/vehicle/...lotid-252201350
lol @ this thread!!!! from a poll, to pics, to fat v skinny maaaaaaaaan havent been on sau for ages - but good to see nothing changed hmmm but on topic - im a brunette lover - but my girl is more blonde
oooh i will be coming from doreen - will be going past eltham etc, but have to study for exam
not to scare you guys....but there is something similar to this that is going on...... If a guy comes to your door (dressed like a sales person/mormon) and asks to see the top you are wearing, do not remove and show him - he only wants to see your nipples. Happened to a friend of mine...boy did he feel violated........i repeat, do not show him your nipples.... just a warning......
hi Will - car is in mt waverley, and can be seen at pakenham or doreen (depending on my days of work - if you want to see it during the weekdays) it is manual.
bump Its an urgent sale now Price reduction - $12,000
I am like you - i work on 2 sites, and the drive yeah - its killing my time - atleast 2 hours on the road - over the whole week its about 10 hours in total. And similarly to you - i am on takeaway almost everyday!!! its crap i tell u! Very nice terry - i was thinking of doing the following: CPA (might finish, might postpone - depending on the job i get next) PT course - almost done Grad Dip counselling - 1 year to finish. Grad dip psych - 1 year full time 4th year psych - 1 year full time PHD psych - 3 years full time Would this work well? I also wanted to get training in NLP and positive psychology - as that is supposed to complement psych very well? What are your thoughts on this? Yes - the careers counsellor i went to - had literally like 8 qualifications - some certs and grad dips - but still heaps none the less! Thanks for all your info guys - its helping heaps
hey guys - after this subject, i would have 4 modules left - so about 2 years. Depending on which job I land next, if I have more time to study CPA - I would do 2 subjects per semester, and finish it in a year.
yes, I will be looking into studying psychology - i have written to the Australian Psychological Society (APS) for info on how i can get my doctorate in psychology after having done bachelors and masters in other fields. So yeah, I am def thinking about this change - as its giving me that excitement based on what I am truly passionate about. I am like you - under 30 - going to be 29 this year, but seriously unfulfilled as im working long hours (mainly because i am not happy with my job - so it takes me 2 times longer to complete things), and every week is like "i am going to work" instead of "i get to go to work" or "im going to serve for the greater good of the community" - so yeah, for my sanity as well, i have had to make this change. What brought about this was that my manager caught up with me last week and said that my performance is at 2/10 - so thats a major indicator that i need to move ....and move now......
Thanks terry - thats what i was looking for - can I ask what you specialise in now out of all those accreditations? in the end I have decided (for the most part) that I dont want to be in a role where I am working for the money - i.e i am only going to work because its paying the bills etc. I want to go for a career that is fulfilling, and that each day is bringing a sense of satisfaction that is making me want more and more as the week/month/and year progresses. You know what i mean?
hehehe dont worry man - r33 will be sold regardless, jazz still staying, maybe sold for a cheaper car (3k) - but will return to sau meets etc, in the near future - once i get things back on track with work etc yes, i am considering finishing it off - but as I have to decided what I want to do with my current job - i need to think about postponing CPA for a bit to pursue my true interests (i.e psychology/counselling etc)
Hi guys/gals - The last few weeks i was questioning my future career path - and in terms of what I want and where I want to go etc. At the moment I am doing my CPA - which once complete, it will bring me quite a bit of money. But it has me thinking about a few things - most importantly though - if I actually like being an accountant. Within the finance industry its hard to get into Management/Cost accounting - where we build upon business development etc - and that is actually a great field to be in within accounting - so that means most roles are auditing/financial accouting/tax accounting etc. I have begun to question if I am willing to stick it out, while being unhappy with my current profession. So in a bid to find out what it is exactly that I want - I went to a careers counsellor - and the results were amazing! I have done the Myers-Briggs test 2 times before, and also did the DISC profiling last week - and the results are always the same. The thing I found out is that I would be more suited to a job where I am dealing with people - setting strategies to reach goals, helping by counselling etc. So now i am thinking of dropping my current job - taking a break from CPA - and going for a job where I can deal with people on a regular basis. I was also told to pursue my interests in counselling and psychology - so have begun to look at courses relating to both. And as a person I am always looking at psychology related work - things that make people excel above the rest etc. So this was no surprise when she told me i should look at courses like that, or even any therapy related courses. Is there anyone here who is a counsellor or psychologist - someone who can give me pointers on what path i should take to become one or both? I am already doing my PT course - which is nearly there -so i am well on the way to workign with people on atleast a casual basis. I was going to do counselling - grad dip - so that I can use that both with PT when i do open my gym - and the psychology i was going to do later on once I got myself settled. Would people leave their current jobs if they were unhappy to pursue their passion? Am keen to hear what everyones thoughts are with regards to this, and just career in general. edit: yes, this is quite the jump, after going from computer science to accounting - bachelors degree and masters - but i think in life we all need to do some searching for who we are and what keeps us motivated - and this is where I am at the moment.
pm's replied - still for sale