That could be true Kylie - and im not trying to impose that WA is the only state that has morons like this. I have also posted this in the Vic section. My main aim is to get the word out, and perhaps people can keep an eye out for this fellow - its the only way justice will be done.
For example, its like the dog that was put in a baby basket and then trampled on by a group of teenagers in NSW a few years ago. I wrote to the police commissioner expressing my disgust and anger at it (i dont know what happened in the end, but the commissioner did write back saying that they are looking into it). I get the feeling that if the public dont take laws into their own hands, then cruelty to animals will keep going and soon those same people will be targetting people - it could be our parents, grand parents, significant other, kids, nephews, nieces etc.
I suppose I should post this news in other areas of the forum as well i.e NSW, SA etc - but will probably get warnings for multiple posts.