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Everything posted by eMsta

  1. RIP - yes, down here we already have those p plate laws and yes, the people in the media are fckwits who dont know shit.......probably was next to a bystander who was talking about v8 supercars at the time, and thought that they were talking about the car involved in the crash...
  2. werribee??? isnt that a bit strange? Id thought they would try to get the car near the city somewhere..... same with ferntree
  3. gawd damn tahts hawt!!!!
  4. damn ferah, didnt know you were a menace to society...... hehehe hey do u remember telling your co-worker at the motorshow that the gtr had quad turbo! hahahaha....classic - the fool believed u too!!!!
  5. http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,2...5005961,00.html happened in sydney though
  6. sorry to hear that you had to go through that bud. Down here in vic, there have been a few cases like that - seems like its becoming more and more like the U.S. Do we really need to arm ourselves with guns, knives, wrenches and all that crap? Anyway - good thing that you werent hurt or anything. But yeah, next time, just drive to the local police station and park in front. Wait for the guy to drive off - but get a good look at the plates - and put in a complaint. I guess if many people put in a complaint, then they cops would have to do something about it.
  7. eMsta

    Z06 Vs R35

    farkin....people want a challenge hey...try taking a jazz around the sharp corners at sandown....now thats a challenge!!!!! (no i havent done it, i am too scared to lose control )
  8. http://www.tracksidetyres.com.au/potenza_re01r.html done and done - dont have prices, but you can email/call the guy to find out
  9. happy 41st birthday!!!!
  10. i did for a bit, then i gave up....i liked the drag race server though
  11. eMsta

    Spotted Thread

    woohoo jazz track day this saturday!!!!
  12. why not just go get fit? work has this 12 week challenge thing - f**kin im going to go hardcore the next 12 weeks, see if i can do a complete transformation
  13. dont u hate it when people who cant afford nice things try and bring down those that can afford nice things, but vandalising their stuff? i farkin hate that!
  14. went to gym yesterday at 7.30pm - saw a car pulled over near bp on Stephensons and ferntree gully rds on the way back, was going to bp to fill up - saw a bike pulled over near the same spot - but this time by an undercover brother...i mean...cop.....
  15. man...to keep kids off drugs - id happily drive that 33
  16. i feel very centered todai.......
  17. thats being phased out i used 91 ron once in my r33 - big mistake......never went back to that ever.........only use 98 ron now
  18. i didnt find much difference using v-power racing....but then again my car is not seriously modified - so maybe thats why
  19. i like andru's threads
  20. do you mean this one: http://www.lotusespritturbo.com/Lotus_Etna.htm the other lotus esprits were all 4 cylinders - until the mid 90's i believe when they had the v8 esprit r33 was 93+ homeboy i reckon best design was the f40 - that car just amazed me - still does
  21. the hilux "bugger" ad the honda euro ad and the hsv symphony ad: and this ferrari ad: and this ferrari ad:
  22. eMsta

    Spotted Thread

    had some spirited runs with a couple of honda jazz's today. One with fluffy toys all over its windows - so the owner could see where she was going, and one with a mad exhaust note. Zig zagging through the freeway was incredible cos the one with the toys all over the windows was making it tough for me to zoom past her in my 1.3 ltr jazz
  23. i didnt care about the cars mang....i was waiting for the wind that blows the skirt!!!! where was the wind?????
  24. eMsta

    Car Vs House

    aint no way im gonna be a newly married dude and still living with my parents - thats why
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