Edit: let me know if you want the plates taken off - too lazy to do it via photobucket (I HAZ A BUKKIT!!!!)
Some pics for everyone
As with all meets, its not a proper start until we get Mr Basti and his tripod, Mr Squiggle:
350Z & 34 GTR
34 GTR
GTTR34 - mr la di da himself
WLDCRD's 32 and Stagea
S Tune
Basti Mobile
DogKnight - sorry champ, i was freezing my bleck ass off when holding the tripod up to take pics
Group Shots
The Rekin & The Emsta
Group shot of everyone:
Video of skylines leaving (rekin and I almost started cracked up when nick's car did a fart):
Next time will try to organise a Karting day (as suggested by WLDCRD) followed by a proper lunch/dinner at some place other than the duck place
Thanks again to everyone who came