hi guys....
i'm silas from OZMAZDACLUB.... just want to give you guys an invitation to join us for the track days.... they'll be guys from astinaGT, ozhonda, toyota owners, exe, ausrotary, nissan silvia.com
here are the detail:
WINTON TRACK DAY - Tuesday 21st of March 2006
time: 9:00am-5:00pm
we will cruise from melbourne 5:00am from Pancake Parlour, doncaster
more number will be added, but we're aiming for this numbers at the moment.... deposit are not refundable, and we will split into 4 groups of 7 cars....
Track cost: $3500 (including insurance - driver is insured, not the car)
emergency: $300
total: $3800
AASA track licence: $45 per driver (1 year licence) - if you already have CAMS licence, you wont need to pay AASA licence
AMB transmitter (timing device): $15 per car
per person: $136 per person (28 cars) + $45 + $15 = $196
there will be 98ron and 100ron petrol station, but the 100 are 10% ethanol. so please bring at least 5 litre extra fuel in fuel can, and we will all fill full tank up on the last town before the track...
Deposit = $100
PM me for Confirmation. after the money sent, then i'll put your name on the list....
things to bring:
1. water
2. Helmet
3. long sleeve... no short sleeve
4. long pants... no shorts!
5. shoes... no sandal!
6. can of extra fuel
7. we might not have flags on the day, so it will be good if everyone have walkie talkie / CB... with full battery of course
there will be 4 group of 7 cars, and each group will get 3 runs.....
1 run consist of 7 laps (1 warm up, 5 hot laps, 1 cool down)
so the runs gonna be:
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
total lap each group 21 laps.... thats enough to finish 50% of our brake pad and our tyres....
RULES (i stole it from tune_to_fly):
No Alcohol at the event.
You must have a helmet and neck to wrist to ankle clothing.
Any Reckless or dangerous driving (burn outs, donuts etc) and you will be asked to leave on the spot without refund. You will not be invited back.
No passengers allowed in your car on the track.
Do not enter the track from the pit lane until the flag has been waved in front of you.
No speeding in pit lane. (40km/h max)
Overtaking is only allowed on the main straight(s) after the driver ahead has signaled with indicators.
The driver being overtaken must back off and allow the overtake maneuver to occur before the next corner.
Strictly no tail-gating. The following driver must maintain at least 2 car lengths (10m) bumper to bumper at any time unless overtaking.
Use your rear vision mirrors. Be aware of where you are and who is around you on the track.
Car Condition:
The condition of the car is the responsibility of the individual. If you do not know if your car is up to standard have it checked / serviced by a professional mechanic before track day. especially check for oil leak, brake pads, and tyres
1. No Tyres that have expired rubber. i.e. Rubber has gone hard.
2. No physical signs of damage.
3. Tyres must have reasonable tread remaining.
1. No Oil Leaks
2. No Water Leaks.
3. Good running condition.
$100 if you're confirmed...
sorry i have to make it $100 so that ppl that we meet on the track is only people that really really want to be on the track.... and dont worry.... WE WILL REACH 24 cars...
Silas B Andrianto
bsb: 013-400
acc number: 5558 86757
[email protected]